Cosmetic Use Pesticide Research And Innovation Program (CUPRI)
Funded By the Government of Ontario, Administered by the Agricultural Adaption Council
The Ontario Trade Association (Landscape Ontario Lawn Care Commodity Group) has been promoting anything they can in order to Survive the Ontario 2009 Cosmetic Pesticide Ban.
Hoping for new products to come onto the market that actually work and offer Tools to Landscape Exterminators for effective and efficient control of Broadleaf Weeeds, Crabgrass and Grubs.
Supporting Biological Options and funding of monies being funneled to Dr. Brownbridge of VineLand Research.
On December of 2013 the Lawn Care Commodity Group Meeting and an included youtube video tell it like it really is.
Lets Stop funding the Agricultural Adaption Council, Stop Funding Vineland Research regarding Pesticides and use this money to Re-Write the Ontario Pesticide Ban and to bring back some SAFE EFFECTIVE HEALTH CANADA APPROVED PESTICIDES.
It is obvious the anti-pesticide promoters Gideon Forman, Diana Daghofer, Doris Grinspun mis informed John Gerretsen, Dalton McGuinty, Dale Henry about the Alternative Options availiable to the Now Sun Set Lawn Care Industry. Lying Basterds… Why cant homeowners even save their own ash trees with Imidacloprid for $20 a tree. Make an Emergency Registration for It.
Why not research Acelepryn as an option for Grub Control in Trees??
Why study hand picking of weeds (Katarina Jordan) as an option at a cost of $60,000
Why study mustard as a control product at a large cost for useless research.
Why study Environmental Factor Liquid Corn Gluten as a control option at a cost of $30,000.
Why study Solarization and Steam as a control option?
Then Offering awards to people like Michalowicz, Wanda is just wrong.
Why don't we give John Gerretsen an Award too.
Turf Technical Meeting- Gavin attended this OMAFRA based initiative to determine industry priority pest issues. European Chafer and June Beetle is the number one priority. Chinch is number 2. Crane Fly is number 3. Grand Evo (bacteria) has been identified as a hopeful product. BTI is also hopeful for European Cranefly.
Only class 11 products can be used by our sector. Broadleaf Weeds are the number one priority followed by crabgrass. However there were no products suggested. Suggestions from this committee will be taken to the national level.
Update from Michael Brownbridge Research
Steve delivered an update on grub and chinch control using new products. The new tools will not provide the level of control provided historically. None of the products tested delivered the control required. Here is a video report:
To support Ontario's emerging green economy, the Agricultural Adaptation Council will use a provincial investment of $480,000 to establish the Cosmetic Use Pesticides Research and Innovation Program. The program will encourage the development of lower-risk pesticides and other green alternatives.
Earth Day this year is a particularly good day for the environment, and Ontario families, especially children. By banning the sale and use of cosmetic pesticides, we’ve eliminated the unnecessary risk posed by cosmetic pesticides and made Ontario a healthier place.”
We’re delighted to be involved in helping Ontarians achieve a pesticide-free landscape. Communities in Bloom is dedicated to promoting green spaces, especially in urban settings, and we’re proud that our efforts are helping the environment.”
Lee Rozon