A presentation by Alberto Laddomada, head of the Commission’s animal health unit, includes a chart of the “Main causes of colony mortality,” as reported by laboratories and scientists.
Poisoning of Bees happens more often than Pesticide Exposures.
Deputy Head of Unit, Unit Animal Health and Standing Committees, DG Sanco, European Commission
Alberto Laddomada holds a degree in Veterinary Medicine of the University of Sassari, Italy and is Master of Science in Virology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK.
He has been working for the European Commission since 1997.
He is currently Deputy Head of Unit in DG Health and Consumer Protection, unit Animal Health and Standing Committees. He often chairs the meeting of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health.
Before joining the Commission he worked in the laboratory of virology at the Istituto Zooprofilattico, Sassari,and then as a Director at the Istituto Zooprofilattico of Portici, in Italy
Click to access cv_laddomada.pdf