This is a No Brainer – A Synthetic Pesticide you can inject into a tree with a minimal amount of drilling, that kills the adults and the larvae at a economical cost, which is persistant in the environment. Thats what makes it effective. Imidacloprid happens to be MERIT the grub control product Ontario so badly needs to deal with Grub Infestations. Imidacloprid is still used on Pet collars for Flea and Tick Control. It has been extensively tested for safety.
A pesticide we are forced to use because of a Politically motivated Pesticide Ban in Ontario, not based on Health or the Environment. TreeAzin – the only pesticide in Canada that uses a derivative of NEEM OIL. All other uses of Neem Oil will be removed from Store Shelves January 2013 (Neem will become an illegal pesticide for all domestic uses). Neem Oil is highly toxic to aquatic species (with Lethal Doses at 20 ppm) and very persistent in the environment. The Ash Tree is riddled with holes after just one application of TreeAzin. TreeAzin only kills the Larvae not the adults. TreeAzin is a new product on the market its Safety has not been thoroughly tested.
Stop Funding TreeAzin and let us direct Tax dollars to a worth while cause, like shutting down all the Environmental Lunatics that put us into these crisis on a daily basis. Toronto Atmospheric Fund, Toronto Environmental Alliance, Canadian Association of Physicians for the environment, WWF, Sierra Club, Green Peace, David Suzuki, Canadian Cancer Society, ….
Emerald Ash Borer The City has been aggressively cutting down many of its ash trees and injecting a small percentage with TreeAzin. The concern is that since the cost of cutting the treesis higher than the cost of the injections, perhaps it should look at trying to save the trees. Also a new pesticide, Confidor, has now been introduced as a pilot program. T&G is still working on what the best recommendation might be for early 2013.
The Centretown Citizens Community Association (CCCA) is an enthusiastic group of individuals who live or do business within the area bounded by Bronson Avenue on the west, the Rideau Canal on the east, the Queensway on the south, and the Ottawa River on the north. Board meetings are held at City Hall (110 Laurier Avenue West) on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., and the public is welcome to attend. See the CCCA By-laws for more information.
Confidor – Provincial Control Program for Invasive Insects
Using Confidor 200 SL to manage Insect Pests on Deciduous and Coniferous Trees in Ontario
Description of Pest and Pest Problem
Asian Long-Horned Beetle, Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle, Emerald Ash Borer, Bronze Birch Borer, Cottony Ash Psyllid, European Elm Scale, Elm Leafminer, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Locust Leafminer, Woolly Apple Aphid.
Economic or social impacts of both the pest and of implementing/not implementing the control program.
Trees must be maintained as they are important for air quality, cooling, habitat and are important in our society, especially in urban areas where they are under stress.
Purpose of the Strategy
This systemic insecticide treatment is used to help protect trees from infestation of labelled pests to maintain the tree health.
Pest Monitoring Methods
Visual inspection (from ground, climbing, aerial inspections).
Use of Pest control Products
Product Name | Use Description |
Assessment of all Control Options
Consultation with CFIA and/or other experts on the best way to control pests for the particular area.
Many of the pests listed on the Confidor 200 SL label are also under a CFIA regulatory program (e.g. EAB, ALHB, BSLB, HWA). See regulatory Directive documents at
Efficacy, cost/benefit analysis (resource or money constraints), any environmental or health considerations.
This product has been shown to be effective at controlling or suppressing labelled pests. For best results, application should be made when the tree is actively transpiring (on sunny days) where leaves have emerged and are fully expanded, preferably before late summer. Do not apply more than once per year per tree (because application creates wound sites, applications made every 2-3 years may be advised). Application costs may make this treatment an option for high value landscape trees but it is also available for use on trees in forestry production, nurseries, greenhouses and forests. Because the product is injected directly into the sap stream (cambium) of the tree, environmental and health considerations are negligible if the product is used according to the label. There are no known effects on tree inhabiting wildlife. This product is highly toxic to aquatic invertebrates. Do not mix, load or clean equipment within 30 meters of wellheads or aquatic systems. TOXIC to bees. This product is systemic and is transported upwards through the tree. Bees can be exposed to residues in floral pollen and/or nectar resulting from tree injections. Applications to ash, black locust, elm, hackberry, horse chestnut, maple, mountain ash, ornamental apple, poplar, silk tree, sycamore/London plane tree and willow must be made post-bloom. Applying post-bloom reduces risk; however, some residues may carryover to the next season.
Cultural control measures
Even with systemic insecticide treatment, it can take the tree several years to recover from pest infestation. Trees should be monitored and managed for signs of stress. Cultural practices such as irrigation, structural pruning, mulching, fertilizing and protection from mechanical injury should be carried out to help improve the tree's tolerance to pests. Supplemental irrigation is especially important for trees recovering from pest infestations during the dry, summer and autumn months.
Communication plan
Proper pesticide application signs must be posted at the site according to MOE guidelines. Under the Pesticide Regulation 63/09, licensed exterminators can use conventional pesticides with the written opinion of a tree care professional that states that the use of the pesticide is necessary to protect the health of the tree.
For more information
Contact the OMAFRA Nursery Crops Specialist or Certified Crop Advisors for any additional pesticide resistance management and/or Integrated Pest Management recommendations.
For more information:
Toll Free: 1-877-424-1300
Local: (519) 826-4047
Author: | OMAFRA Staff |
Creation Date: | 16 April 2012 |
Last Reviewed: | 16 April 2012 |
City tests new chemical in ash borer fight
CBC News
Posted: Sep 24, 2012 7:56 PM ET
Last Updated: Sep 24, 2012 7:52 PM ET

The City of Ottawa is testing a chemical insecticide more commonly used to kill grubs in its fight to curb the spread of the emerald ash borer.
The city's strategy has thus far been to inject a biological insecticide to try to save some trees, and fell those that are already dead.
But as the invasive pest bores into ash trees as far afield as Fitzroy and Richmond, councillor Maria McRae said she's keen to have another option to fight the pest.
"We've instructed the forester to do whatever he can to save these trees," said McRae.
Chemical not biologically based
A private company called Davey Tree has given the city some of a chemical called Confidor that it uses to try out on two dozen trees.
The active ingredient is used in a lawn chemical to control grubs and Davey is testing whether it will work on infested ash trees.
Forester David Barkley said the chemical is not biologically based like Tree-Azin, the insecticide that's already used around the city.
City to plant 2,700 new trees
But he said Health Canada has approved its use and the tree takes it up directly.
"It's an injection, so it's not a spray, or a folial application or a soil drenching like they've done in other areas," said Barkley.
McRae said the key to preserving the city's tree cover lies with planting a variety of trees to replace thousands of ash trees as they die off.
City workers will plant 2,700 new trees in the coming weeks, she said.