Councillor pushes pesticide ban
Comments Councillor pushes pesticide ban
February 8, 2012
City council’s most environmentally outspoken councillor Donovan Cavers gave notice of motion Tuesday to ban all cosmetic pesticides in Kamloops.
His notice came at the end of a meeting that early on, heard from a resident who has a sensitivity to such chemicals.
Diane Czyzewski told council she has to carry an epipen in case she’s exposed to pesticides or other chemicals — her reactions are that severe.
She said with all the environmental awareness in Kamloops heightened by the Ajax mine, this would be a time to ask companies to change the products they use.
Coun. Nancy Bepple told her the province is looking at legislation for all of B.C.
Discussing Cavers’s notice of motion, City parks, culture and recreation director Byron McCorkell said the City revamped its pesticide bylaw a few years ago, so that only certified technicians can spray pesticides.
The problem is, a ban on pesticides in Kamloops wouldn’t stop someone from bringing them in from elsewhere, even just across the river at the Tke’mlups Indian Band.
McCorkell said the province is coming out with a report on the issue in a few months.
Cavers said he knows people who feel as Czyzewski does. And the Canadian Cancer Society has called for a ban.
McCorkell said the best solution would be for the province to legislate pesticides to restrict availability.
The motion will be discussed at council’s meeting next week.
Like the predictability of tulips in spring, anti-pesticide crusader Diane Czyzewski appeared before City council Tuesday to talk about problems cropping up with the new bylaw.
Czyzewski said instead of putting up warning signs themselves before applying pesticides, some lawn companies are giving the signs to their customers.
And some of those customers aren’t posting as per the City bylaw that came into effect last year, she said.
Mayor Peter Milobar said his understanding is the companies can do that and if the customers don’t put the signs up as they should, the company won’t spray.
I am writing in regards to a story that was published in The Daily News on Jan. 28, involving a lawsuit by Leonora Ford against a local surgeon, Interior Health, and Royal Inland Hospital. The judge ruled that, while her case was tragic, it did not result from negligence on the part of the doctor or the hospital.
I fully understand the woman’s frustration. I'm assuming this was her first dealing with our medical 'system' ? Welcome to the nightmare.
I was introduced to it back in 1997. There was the wait to see the various specialists. The wait for such things, as the MRI, was much worse back then as well. Eventually, however, I met Dr. Faridi and my experience was very different from Ms. Forde’s. I owe Dr. Faridi my life.
He operated and removed my tumor. He saved my life.
Thanks to him I have been able to watch my children grow up, graduate, go on to university, and have their own children.
I know what it's like to be so ill that someone has to do everything for you. I know what it's like to be in a wheelchair; use a walker; a cane and a leg brace. I get it. Really.
People told me I should have sued everyone concerned. Why? Was it the medical staff's fault that we didn't have the proper equipment? Was it the hospital's fault that there was such a long wait for a scan? These people can only work with what they have.
I am grateful to all the people involved in my surgery and care. They were top notch. Dr. Faridi has always demonstrated great care and concern for his patients. The waiting period is beyond his and the hospital's control.
Everyone is important. Everyone should be able to go in for tests without any waiting period. We should have everything from equipment, to medical personnel at our disposal.
In a perfect world…
Jeremy Deutsch – Kamloops This Week Published: April 23, 2009
A move by city council that could see a ban on cosmetic-pesticide use on residential properties has left groups on both sides of the issue unhappy. Residents pushing for a total ban are upset and argue the city hasn’t accomplished anything with its proposed bylaw, while the pest-management industry is troubled by aspects of the ban, which they say would make their job more onerous. Council has told city staff to draft a bylaw that would ban the use of cosmetic pesticide on residential properties unless applied by an accredited pest management applicator through the Plant Health B.C program. Accredited applicators would also be required to post signs 24 hours prior to a pesticide application and leave signs up for 48 hours afterwards. Diane Czyzewski, the self-proclaimed “pesticide lady” who has been fighting for a total ban, suggested companies will still do what they want even with the bylaw in place. She said the simple solution is to force companies to use pesticides that don’t contain toxins. “It would make everybody happy. It would be a healthier environment,”
Tom Broad, with Bugs-Gon Pest Control, isn’t thrilled with the signage requirement, maintaining it will mean an extra 8,400 trips to client properties. He also argued the industry is already adequately controlled and regulated through the Integrated Pest Management Act. Meanwhile, the new bylaw will not include a pesticide-sensitivity directory. The directory would have prohibited the application of pesticides on properties adjoining land whose residents are confirmed by a physician to suffer from pesticide sensitivity. The city’s lawyers advised against the directory, citing “significant legal consequences.” Essentially, the directory would raise the expectations the city is taking responsibility for the health of individuals by controlling neighbours’ pesticide use, which it has no means to do. Kelowna has a voluntary pesticide-sensitivity directory, but it is not enforced by the city. Councillors Marg Spina, Nancy Bepple and Denis Walsh pushed for a voluntary directory. Walsh said it’s council’s job to provide safety to residents and a sensitivity directory would help do that. “That’s the problem I have with the recommendation,” he said.The bylaw, if adopted, will take effect on April 1, 2010.
How do Anti-Pesticide Activists, like Donovan Cavers, arrive at the conclusion that products used in Professional Lawn Care somehow have some kind of IMAGINARY DANGER ?!?!
Was their ASSESSMENT based upon a vast scientific knowledge of pest control products ?!?! [ No ! ]
Do Anti-Pesticide Activists like Cavers ASSESS these products after spending time and money carefully studying their effects on health and environment ?!?! [ No ! ]
Are Anti-Pesticide Activists, who have VESTED INTERESTS AS FUND-RAISERS for Charity Organizations like Green Party, COMPETENT to give ANY advice concerning these issues ?!?! [ No ! ]
In fact, Cavers and his gang are WRONG and CANNOT BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY.
Pest control products are SCIENTIFICALLY-SAFE.
Not surprisingly, NONE of the Anti-Pesticide Activists, especially Cavers, have ANY recognized background, training, or experience in matters concerning pest control products, making their opinions FLAWED, DISTORTED, VALUELESS and WORTHLESS.
These activists have NOT SPENT A SINGLE PENNY to research pest control products.
Anti-Pesticide Activists like Cavers DID NOT conduct a serious scientific study … evidently because they are NOT COMPETENT OR MOTIVATED to do so.
Cavers and his gang COULD NOT EVEN BE BOTHERED to have used the EXTENSIVE TOXICOLOGY DATABASE that is available from Health Canada.
They are not only SCIENTIFICALLY IGNORANT, but also LAZY and OBTUSE.
It is a MYTH to believe that pest control products somehow cause cancer.
Health Canada’s EXTENSIVE TOXICOLOGY DATABASE CLEARLY PROVES that pest control products are SCIENTIFICALLY SAFE since they have been scrutinized and approved by the HUNDREDS of expert scientists at Health Canada !
Health Canada requires each new pest control product to go through about TWO-HUNDRED SEPARATE TESTS to examine health and environmental impacts as well as value, and costing about 250 MILLION DOLLARS.
Consequently, when pest control products are used properly, there are NO harmful irreversible effects to health and the environment !
ALLEGATIONS from Activists like Cavers about the IMAGINARY DANGER of pest control products are TOTALLY FALSE, and are UNTRUE MIS-REPRESENTATIONS designed to alarm and enrage the public and enhance the BUSINESS, CASH-FLOW and PROFIT of their organizations.
Cavers and his buddies have NO SCIENTIFIC PROOF that pest control products cause cancer.
There is NOT ONE KNOWN ILLNESS or DEATH from the proper use of pest control products used in the Urban Landscape.
There is NO direct link between pest control products and cancer.
Pest control products CAUSE NO HARM, including chronic effects such as CANCER.
For more information, go to the following web-pages …
NORAHG is the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that seek to harm the Green space industry.
NORAHG is a NATIONAL NON PROFIT NON PARTISAN organization that does not accept money from corporations or governments or trade associations, and represents NO VESTED INTERESTS WHATSOEVER.