Updated Info:
AUDIO : February 28th Regular Council Meeting Bylaw Amendment 3872 Final Reading Carries Salmon Arm Council Meeting Bylaw3872AmendmentFinalReadingFeb282011
Councillor Harrison: The changes are quite minor actually, things like allowing people to use a pesticide from a professional applicator to seed a lawn from scratch is just practical.
Councillor Cannon and Councillor Jamieson did not support this amendment.
Councillor Cannon wants New BC Premier to Ban Pesticides Provincially
** Council Meeting Item 9 Bylaw Reconsiderations #3872 is on the upcoming March 14th Agenda
The City of Salmon Arm has up to two (2) vacancies on the Environmental Advisory Committee for
Member at Large.
The Committee acts as an advisory body and resource group to City Council and Administration
regarding ways to protect, maintain and enhance the natural environment. The Committee undertakes
activities and projects with City Council’s support or direction to further the protection, management
conservation and enhancement of the natural environmental resources.
Council will select and appoint committee members.
The Terms of Reference for this committee are available for review at City Hall or via the home page of
the City website (www.salmonarm.ca).
Additional information may be obtained by contacting the undersigned. Interested individuals should
submit a written application, complete with resume and a brief statement as to what you feel you can
contribute to the Committee, to the undersigned prior to 4:00 p.m. Friday, March 18, 2011
Councillor Ivan Idzan
City of Salmon Arm
500 – 2 Avenue NE, Box 40, Salmon Arm BC V1E 4N2
Phone: 250-803-4035 E-mail: iidzan@salmonarm.ca
There have been addtions to the February 2009 Pesticide Bylaw.
AUDIO: February 4, 2011 Regular Council Meeting Bylaw Amendment
Under Exceptions:
Items : l,m,n,o,p,q
CITY PROPERTY ONLY : Certified Applicator Exceptions for new seeded lawns and Pest Infestations on lawns.
Private Certified applicator cannot use pesticides on residential lawns to manage pests.
No options for homeowners to save lawns destroyed by pests at this time.
Short Version of Audio Details Here : Feb14SalmonArmsPesticideBanDetails
Items (i) and (j) of the original Bylaw #3744 and the New Amended Bylaw #3872 allow for Registered Pesticides (PCP#) to be used on "Hard Landscapes" after alternative products fail. It does not say Lawns.
There are no prescribed fines or enforcements of the Bylaw at this time.
New Bylaw Document Courtesy of FON
February 2009 Salmon Arm Pesticide Bylaw: (for comparison)