The Failure Of Western Canada
Turfgrass Association ( WCTA )
The Trade Association’s Inept &
Ineffectual Responses To The
#@!!% Suzuki-Documentary
Part 2
Golf Courses Are Toxic Waste Sites
Like OMG Who Cares ?!?!
May 2017
NORAHG Commentaries To
WCTA Trade Association’s Responses
Re : The Nature Of Things With David Suzuki
Documentary « Dad and the Dandelions »
Hosted By David Suzuki
Financed & Released By Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ( CBC )
Subsidized By The Trudeau Liberal Government
NORAHG Commentary
The Suzuki Cancer-Attacks Against The Golf Industry
The WCTA trade association’s inept and ineffectual responses to the #@!!% Suzuki-Documentary, « Dad and the Dandelions », have, yet again, failed their members ― especially golf superintendents.
The elected officials and staff at WCTA could not even be bothered to provide an effective and a professional response to counter the fanatжcal lies about golf courses causing cancer and killing people.
Sadly, WCTA has no intention to defend the golf industry from these fanatжcal lies, which it considers as mere mis-information or alternative opinions.
The golf industry is in lots of deep #@!!% trouble !
For more details, please review « WCTA Responses To Suzuki Documentary — Part 1 » within the following link …
The Intention Of WCTA Is To
Continue To Avoid Defending
The Golf Industry From The
Suzuki Cancer-Attacks
WCTA’s Inept & Ineffectual Responses To The #@!!% Suzuki-Documentary
Golf Courses Are Toxic Waste Sites ?!?!
According to WCTA …
The CBC’s broadcast of « The Nature of Things with David Suzuki » produced by film-maker Andrew Nisker, portrayed golf courses in one of his interviews as « TOXIC WASTE SITES ». [ ?!?! ]
The program also negatively implicated sports fields and other managed turf areas.
As an association of multiple sports turf management sectors, this is a good opportunity for our industry to DIALOGUE [ ?!?! ] …
… DIALOGUE [ ?!?! ] with the public, media, government, environmental groups, and any other stake-holders, about the BENEFITS of turf and greenspace, sometimes called NATURAL CAPITAL, along with our environmental STEWARDSHIP efforts as professional turfgrass managers.
We should NOT be afraid to PROMOTE our position in the community.
Amateurish &
Ineffective Responses
Benefits of turfgrass
Natural capital
Promotion of the industry
Stewardship of turf managers
Toxic waste sites
Who Cares ?!?!
Aren’t The Suzuki-
Attacks About Golf
Courses Causing Cancer
Important Enough
Issues For WCTA ?!?!
NORAHG Commentary
Will WCTA Ever Make The Suzuki-Terrжr Stop ?!?!
There Is No Doubt WCTA Is A Failure
Because It Continues To Concoct
Amateurish & Ineffective Responses,
& Refuses To Defend The Golf
Superintendents & Their Facilities
Golf courses being portrayed as toxic waste sites was the least offensive accusation hurled by Suzuki.
Like OMG who cares ?!?!
His #@!!% documentary has falsely and strongly implied that golf courses cause cancer and kill people.
Were the elected officials and staff at WCTA looking the same broadcast that everyone else was watching ?!?!
Aren’t the Suzuki-attacks about golf courses causing cancer important enough issues for WCTA ?!?!
In essence, WCTA will not act to defend the golf industry from the Suzuki cancer-attacks.
Its sole intention is to ignore the cancer-attacks, as well as all other attacks by Suzuki, dating back to 2004. ( See later segment. )
WCTA prefers to #@!!% DIALOGUE with amateurish & ineffective responses designed to promote, and not to defend, the golf industry !
Really ?!?!
According to WCTA, the expression of quaint platitudes & special phrases will somehow nullify the Suzuki cancer-attacks …
Dialogue with our enemies, the environmental groups.
No #@!!% way !
Dialogue with government.
No elected official will care, especially in the era of NDP-Green government !
Dialogue with the media.
NO ONE in WCTA has any expertise in matters concerning professional lobbying and media relations.
Dialogue with the public.
A waste of #@!!% time !
Benefits of turfgrass.
Who cares ?!?!
Natural capital.
Who cares ?!?!
Promotion of the industry.
Who cares ?!?!
Stewardship of turfgrass managers.
Who cares ?!?!
Suzuki certainly does not care.
Suzuki despises the game of golf.
Suzuki has been plotting his attacks against the golf industry for over a decade.
See later segment entitled « Library Of Position Statements. Suzuki Attacks Against The Golf Industry. 2004 – 2017. »
David Suzuki illegally interferes in partisan politics and public policy.
Suzuki deserves the spotlight of scrutiny and the terrжr of Canada Revenue Agency.
Suzuki had the unlimited financing of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ( CBC ), with its $1.1 billion annual subsidy from Trudeau’s Liberal Government, to produce his #@!!% Suzuki-Documentary, « Dad and the Dandelions ».
Thanks to vast sums of money funneled from illegal left-wing lunatжc foreign entities like TIDES, Suzuki also has unlimited financing to nationally conspire to end of the golf industry exception status.
If the outcome of the 2019 Canadian Federal Election favours the Suzuki candidates ( i.e. Scheer’s Conservatives are unsuccessful ), then Suzuki will acquire nearly unlimited influence on public policy, such as the national prohibition against pest control products.
And, it is expected that Suzuki will specifically target the golf industry.
Canada’s golf superintendents and their facilities are in deep #@!!% trouble because of David Suzuki !
WCTA does not seem to care about the threats posed by Suzuki.
It does not seem to care if David Suzuki spews destructive anti-pesticide and science-hating fanatжcal lies against the golf industry !
There is no doubt WCTA is a failure because it continues to concoct amateurish and ineffective responses, and refuses to defend the golf superintendents and their facilities.
Is it worth asking the elected officials and staff at WCTA …
Please Make The Suzuki-Terrжr Stop ?!?!
Library Of Position Statements
Suzuki Attacks
The Golf Industry
2004 – 2017
Position Against The Golf Industry
Suzuki Cancer-Attack. March 2nd, 2017. CBC’s The Nature Of Things. Hosted By David Suzuki. Documentary « Dad and the Dandelions ».
Suzuki falsely-implies that playing on golf courses kills people [ WRONG ! ]
David Suzuki & his fanatжcal-operatives have again conspired to destroy the hated golf industry ― this time with a TV documentary, « Dad and the Dandelions ».
In the #@!!% Suzuki-documentary, it is falsely and strongly implied that golf courses cause cancer and kill people.
The documentary tells the story of a cancer-patient named Nisker, a long-time golfer who played six days a week, who died from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Seemingly, Suzuki and his fanatжcal-operatives, now want revenge against the golf industry.
Curiously, photos of cancer-patient Nisker clearly demonstrate that he WAS NOT healthy while he was playing golf ― he looked bloated, fat, pale, stressed, and totally out-of-shape ― the perfect candidate for cancer.
Perhaps Suzuki should release ALL medical records concerning cancer-patient Nisker, in the spirit of full disclosure.
Regardless, the #@!!% Suzuki-documentary wants golfers to think about is they are playing on pesticide-soaked golf courses at their own risk.
The documentary also advises golfers to think about is their unrealistic view of what courses should look like ― rich, green, and unblemished carpets.
This is none of Suzuki’s business !
Suzuki’s so-called advice is nothing more than a veiled attack against the golf industry.
With his attack, Suzuki and his fanatжcal-operatives are jeopardizing those people who rely upon the golf industry for their employment and their well-being.
According to the #@!!% Suzuki-documentary, the cost of achieving the attractive appearance of a golf course is harmful to individuals and the environment.
Really ?!?!
In the documentary, Suzuki has recruited more of his fanatжcal-operatives who have no idea what they are talking about, such as the golf-hating Meg Sears.
Health Canada, and NOT Suzuki and his fanatжcal-operatives, has the essential expertise on the subject of pest control products used by the golf industry.
Position Statement Against The Golf Industry
Suzuki-Attack. April 20th, 2009. David Suzuki Foundation & Members Of Suzuki Alliances. British Columbia. Media Release.
A British Columbia coalition of health and environmental groups that includes David Suzuki Foundation has recommended provincial legislation that ―
1. BANS the use and sale of pesticides used to improve the appearance of lawns and gardens, including a requirement for GOLF COURSES TO PHASE-OUT PESTICIDES.
2. Allows exemptions only when necessary to protect public health and safety.
3. Allows municipalities to enact and enforce by-laws that are more restrictive of pesticide use than the provincial law.
4. Includes a « white list » of low-risk pesticides that are permitted on lawns and gardens to promote public awareness.
[ So-called Low-Risk Green Alternative Pesticides DO NOT WORK and are NOT LOW RISK ! ]
Position Statement Against The Golf Industry
Suzuki-Attack. March 17th, 2009. David Suzuki & Faisal Moola. David Suzuki Foundation. Media Release.
But there’s more to be done [ with Ontario’s Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION ] ― and the bans that are in place may be threatened.
To start, the Ontario law does not apply to GOLF COURSES, and some restrictions will not take effect for another two years.
Position Statement Against The Golf Industry
Suzuki-Attack. June 16th, 2008. David Suzuki Foundation. Media Release.
In addition, the bill [ Ontario’s Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION ] as drafted authorizes EXCEPTIONS for GOLF COURSES and « other prescribed uses » ― troubling loop-holes that could be exploited to undermine the intent of the legislation.
These clauses should be REMOVED or tightly constrained.
Exemptions should be allowed only when necessary to protect public health and safety and this power is separately authorized in the bill.
[ … ]
Recommendation :
The David Suzuki Foundation urges the Committee amend Bill 64 [ Ontario’s Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION ] by :
[ … ]
2. STRIKING THE EXCEPTION for « uses related to GOLF COURSES » in section 2 of the bill [ Ontario’s Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION ] ( subsection 7.1.2, paragraph 1 ) ― or introducing a sunset clause so that this exception is not permanent; …
Position Statement Against The Golf Industry
Suzuki-Attack. June 9th, 2008. David Suzuki Foundation. Media Release.
Bill 64 [ Ontario’s Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION ] also includes a permanent exemption for GOLF COURSES.
Why prohibit future municipal initiatives to reduce pesticide use on GOLF COURSES ?
[ … ]
Secondly, the bill authorizes exceptions for GOLF COURSES and « other prescribed uses » that could be exploited as loop-holes.
These loop-holes should be DELETED or tightly constrained.
Position Statement Against The Golf Industry
Suzuki-Attack. May 2008. David Suzuki Foundation. Media Release.
The exemptions for GOLF COURSES and « other prescribed uses » should be REMOVED, or at a minimum tightly constrained.
Position Statement Against The Golf Industry
Suzuki-Attack. April 22nd, 2008. David Suzuki Foundation. Media Release.
[ Ontario’s Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION ] allows GOLF COURSES to continue using pesticides and gives power to the Ontario minister of the environment to allow other exceptions, a potentially DANGEROUS LOOP-HOLE.
Position Statement Against The Golf Industry
Suzuki-Attack. 2004. David Suzuki Foundation. Media Release.
We shouldn’t be putting our HEALTH IN DANGER because we like to garden or PLAY GOLF.
Why Is
A Failure ?
WCTA is a failure as a trade association.
WCTA is a failure because its elected officials and staff refuse to defend the golf superintendents and their facilities.
WCTA has not, and will not, defend them from the likes of David Suzuki.
It will not act since its intention is to just #@!!% DIALOGUE !
It allows the enemies of the golf industry, like Suzuki, to falsely-allege that golf courses cause cancer and kill people.
WCTA leaders will not pull their heads out of their anti-pesticide bжtts.
WCTA will not stop supporting anti-pesticide prohibition.
WCTA will not denounce the Suzuki cancer-attacks as destructive anti-pesticide and science-hating fanatжcal lies against the golf industry.
WCTA recklessly chooses fanatжcal anti-pesticide speakers for its conferences, like Suzuki-operative Lisa Gue in 2010.
WCTA is a failure because it has conducted an amateurish and ineffective political lobbying campaign, and clearly, NO ONE in WCTA has any expertise in matters concerning professional lobbying.
Background Information
For More Truths About WCTA FAILURES & Related Issues, Please Explore The Following Links …
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged pesticide-hating fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of respected and highly-rated experts who promote environmental realism and Pesticide Truths.
NORAHG is the sworn enemy of lying, pompous, smug, uneducated, & pesticide-hating enviro-fanatжcs. Overwhelming scientific evidence clearly demonstrates that pest control products are scientifically-safe, and will not cause harm to children, adults, animals, or the environment.
Not surprisingly, enviro-fanatжcs have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brainchild of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We dare to defy the pesticide-hating fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site …
With a Conservative victory in the 2019 Canadian Federal Election, there will be NO NATIONAL PROHIBITION against pest control products.
√ – Vote For Scheer’s Conservatives
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