Listen to Jerilynn Maki of the Canadain Cancer Society talk about the real intention for Cosmetic Pesticide Bans.
"You have to start somewhere if you want to ban pesticides in Agriculture"
May 2014 Council Minutes (within Scribd Document below):
Ms. Maki Advised that pesticides are responsible for less than 10% of Cancers
The campaign to restrict pesticides is growing.
The White Valley Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee is moving ahead with a ban on cosmetic pesticides in its parks in Lumby and Cherryville.
“We support the idea,” said Rick Fairbairn, chairperson.
The committee’s move comes after the Village of Lumby recently decided to ban chemicals for cosmetic pest control.
To control weeds, WVPRCAC is proceeding with turf management practices such as aeration and over-seeding.
However, there may be instances where chemicals are still used.
“The policy still allows us to use it for the protection of infrastructure and for health and safety reasons,” said Tannis Nelson, community development co-ordinator.
Fairbairn also agrees with that approach.
“If there are ant hills in a playing field, that’s not a cosmetic free zone and we need to deal with it,” he said.
The move against pesticides in Lumby comes after concerns were raised by a representative of the Canadian Cancer Society and residents about the negative health effects of chemicals.
via Cosmetic pesticide ban expanding – Vernon Morning Star.