Save your pets from Toxic Pesticides, bring them to the Winnipeg Humane Society we will slaughter them for you!
Oh and don't forget to DONATE.
The Government of Manitoba has promised to introduce a lawn pesticide ban shortly. The advertising campaign makes clear why such a ban is needed.
“Our four-legged friends need protection, too,” says White. “We’re encouraging Manitobans to keep their properties beautiful the way people in eastern Canada do – using non-toxic methods and products.”
Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes already have prohibitions on lawn pesticides.
“The Humane Society believes Manitoba’s family pets deserve the same protection that pets in eastern Canada enjoy,” says White.
Due to the constant need to make room for the never-ending numbers of homeless cats in our shelter, euthanasia for space is unfortunately inevitable. Of the 5,508 cats received in 2012, 2,232 cats were euthanized.
The elimination of euthanasia cannot occur until the cat overpopulation crisis is eliminated.
via WHS FAQ – The Winnipeg Humane Society.
Charity run by Environmental Lunatics looking out for their own best interests. Charity # 11964 7907 RR0002. Winnipeg Humane Society paid out $3 million dollars to its employes in 2012. CRA Info HERE