STRIKING BACK Against Prohibition Terrorism
The first political attempt that BEGINS to REPEAL the 2009 Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION ― a scenario that would have been unthinkable three years ago.
PROHIBITION is being REPEALED with a proposal called Bill 88, Pesticides Amendment Act ( Licence for Cosmetic Purposes ), 2012.
It is an Act to AMEND the Pesticides Act to provide for the use of pesticides for cosmetic purposes with a LICENSE.
On May 9th, 2012, Mr. Ted Chudleigh, Member of Provincial Parliament ( Halton ), moved first reading of the bill.
Ontario ― Living In Environmental Infamy
On April 22nd, 2009, the Government of Ontario ARBITRARILY IMPOSED the NEEDLESS, SENSELESS, and MALICIOUS PROHIBITION against pest control products used by the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry.
This NEEDLESS, SENSELESS, and MALICIOUS PROHIBITION led to the DESTRUCTION of the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry.
An Exception Status was provided to industries like golf, sports fields, specialty turf, forestry, and agriculture.
These industries employed THE VERY SAME pest control products otherwise PROHIBITED for the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry.
The legislation was implemented despite the fact that the PROHIBITED pest control products were still HEALTH-CANADA-APPROVED, FEDERALLY-LEGAL, SCIENTIFICALLY-SAFE, PRACTICALLY-NON-TOXIC, and CAUSE NO HARM.
Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION ignored the federal regulatory system and dictated aesthetics to the public.
Moreover, there were serious issues with the Ontario Minister of the Environment, John Gerretsen, who was responsible for implementing PROHIBITION.
Gerretsen was INDISCREET with his CLOSE PUBLIC ASSOCIATIONS with RADICAL and SUBVERSIVE Anti-Pesticide Activists.
PROHIBITION led to HORRENDOUS and CATASTROPHIC CARNAGE for businesses operating in the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry, in the form of IMMENSE LOSSES OF REVENUES, BUSINESS FAILURES, BANKRUPTCY, and UNEMPLOYMENT, and even HORRIFIC FINES.
Because of Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION, the owners, employees, and families dependent on Professional Lawn Care businesses have faced TERROR, DESPAIR, and DESTITUTION.
Because of PROHIBITION in ONTARIO, the Professional Lawn Care Industry LOST OVER 500,000,000 DOLLARS, with UP TO 12,500 UNEMPLOYED.
Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION was READILY IMPLEMENTED because of the TREACHEROUS SUPPORT of the following organizations ―
x Ontario Turfgrass Research Foundation
x Guelph Turfgrass Institute ( University of Guelph )
x LandsCAPE Ontario ( a.k.a. Ontario Horticultural Trades Association )
These organizations CONSPIRED to IMPOSE the PROHIBITION of pest control products used in the Urban Landscape.
Moreover, the TREACHERY of these organizations has allowed Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION to finally SPREAD NATIONALLY, and even INTERNATIONALLY, for ALL pest control products.
LandsCAPE Ontario is an Anti-Pesticide Trade Association that CONSPIRED to ANNIHILATE the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry by SUPPORTING the NEEDLESS, SENSELESS, and MALICIOUS PROHIBITION of pest control products.
TWO YEARS after Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION in Ontario, surveys prove that LandsCAPE Ontario was WRONG !
LandsCAPE Ontario is trade organization controlled by the Weed Man and Nutri-Lawn franchises.
Beginning to REPEAL Ontario Prohibition
Mr. Ted Chudleigh, Member of Provincial Parliament ( Halton ), moved first reading of the following bill ―
Bill 88, An Act to amend the Pesticides Act to provide for the use of pesticides for cosmetic purposes with a licence.
The Speaker ( Hon. Dave Levac ) ―
Is it the pleasure of the House that the motion carry ?
First reading agreed to.
The Speaker ( Hon. Dave Levac ) ―
The member for a short statement.
Mr. Ted Chudleigh ―
Basically, this bill allows a professional applicator to apply approved pesticides to control weeds or pests on your lawn or garden.
Bill 88, Pesticides Amendment Act ( Licence for Cosmetic Purposes ), 2012
An Act to amend the Pesticides Act to provide for the use of pesticides for cosmetic purposes with a licence.
Note ―
This Act amends the Pesticides Act.
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows ―
1. Subsection 7.1 (1) of the Pesticides Act is REPEALED and the following substituted ―
Prohibitions ― pesticides used for cosmetic purposes
Licence to use
( 1 ) No person shall use or cause or permit the use in, on or over land of a pesticide that is prescribed for the purpose of this subsection, except under and in accordance with a LICENCE of a prescribed class.
2. Subsection 11 ( 1 ) of the Act is amended by adding « or subsection 7.1 (1) » after « section 5 or 6 ».
3. This Act comes into force on the day it receives Royal Assent.
Short title
4. The short title of this Act is the Pesticides Amendment Act ( Licence for Cosmetic Purposes ), 2012.
The Bill amends sections 7.1 and 11 of the Pesticides Act to ALLOW PESTICIDES TO BE USED FOR COSMETIC PURPOSES in accordance with a LICENCE of a prescribed class.
Ted Chudleigh, MPP ( Halton )
Current Parliamentary Roles
Vice-Chair, Standing Committee on Social Policy
Critic, Tourism and Culture
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
( the official opposition party )
Contact Information
Queen’s Park
Room 416
Main Legislative Building
Queen’s Park
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1A8
Tel 416-325-5747
Fax 416-325-5750
Unit 1
172 Mill Street
Milton, Ontario
L9T 1S2
Tel 905-878-1729
Fax 905-878-5144
Ted Chudleigh Takes More Responsible Approach On Pesticide Use
May 8th, 2012
Media Release
Selected and Adapted Excerpts
Tomorrow, Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh will introduce his Private Members Bill, Pesticides Amendment Act ( Licence for Cosmetic Purposes ), 2012, which will AMEND THE LIBERAL BAN ON PESTICIDES.
The Bill will AMEND the Pesticides Act by allowing individuals to hire a LICENCED operator to apply pesticides to their lawns and gardens to kill noxious weeds and pests.
According to Chudleigh ―
There are SERIOUS FLAWS with the Liberal BAN on pesticide use.
Instead of ensuring pesticides are properly applied, the ban risks creating an UNMONITORED BLACK MARKET which is a GREATER THREAT TO OUR ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH because of the unprofessional and improper application of pesticides.
The Pest Management Regulatory Agency ( PMRA ) of Health Canada undertakes rigorous testing before approving a pesticide for use in Canada.
The system I am proposing ACCEPTS THE SCIENCE behind these tests, and uses the existing licencing framework under the Pesticides Act to ensure that pesticides are applied properly and are not a threat to our health or environment.
While banning the use of pesticides for non-essential purposes, the Pesticides Act EXEMPTS golf courses, the agriculture industry and the forestry industry from the ban.
The existing exemptions will not be affected by Chudleigh’s Bill.
According to Chudleigh ―
The Liberals started with a sound bite and tried to build a policy around it.
A pesticide ban may sound nice and deliver a good photo-op but dictating can have THE OPPOSITE AND MORE HARMFUL EFFECT than one intends.
I’m afraid that this is the case with the Liberal pesticide ban.
My Bill takes THE MORE RESPONSIBLE AND SAFER APPROACH to pesticides approved by Health Canada.
Those who choose not to use pesticides are free to make that choice.
However, those who wish to use pesticides, perhaps for hay fever or other allergies, will now be able to do so in a SAFE AND RESPONSIBLE MANNER that does not negatively affect our environment or health.
For the original copy of this Force Of Nature Report, go to the following link …
NORAHG has archived more information about Ontario on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site …