We Are Living in the 9|11 Era
of Anti-Pesticide Terrorism
Heroes Are Speaking Out
Against Anti-Pesticide Terrorism
● Home-owners are confident that the small amount of pest control product applied to their lawns to keep them healthy is applied safely.
● Home-owners believe that their lawns are a safe place for their children, their grand-children, and their pets to enjoy.
● Pest control products are SAFE TO USE.
● Pest control products available at Wal-Mart or Canadian Tire are VERY DILUTED PRODUCTS, specifically made for the home-owner.
● SAFETY FACTORS ARE BUILT IN by Health Canada for pest control products, from 100 times to as high as 1,000 times above the safe dose.
● The decisions made about the use of pest control products SHOULD NOT BE BASED ON JUNK SCIENCE provided by UNINFORMED individuals and groups with NO scientific expertise on the subject.
● We do not need further restrictions on pest control products.
● Anti-Pesticide Activists have NO TRAINING and NO BACKGROUND in matters concerning pest control products.
● The opinion of Anti-Pesticide Activists is TOTALLY VALUELESS and UTTERLY WORTHLESS.
● Anti-Pesticide Activists are NOT COMPETENT to give advice about pest control products.
In the City of Kamloops, British Columbia, Councillor Donovan Cavers has sought to IMPOSE the NEEDLESS, SENSELESS, and MALICIOUS PROHIBITION against pest control products used in the Urban Landscape.
Nonetheless, the Kamloops Town Council has provided an EXCEPTION STATUS to ALL CERTIFIED APPLICATORS, including those in the Professional Lawn Care Industry.
EXCEPTION STATUSES have not only been adopted in jurisdictions like Kamloops, but also in Kelowna and Salmon Arm, where Government Officials have left pest control products in the hands of professionally-trained applicators.
However, Cavers wants TOTAL Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION.
On February 14th, 2012, Cavers expressed MOCK-CONCERN about PUBLIC HEALTH ―
I think that we as a council [ with the City of Kamloops ] … have the ability to make sure that everyone across the province has a really good [ anti-pesticide ] by-law and, therefore, have their HEALTH PROTECTED. [ ?!?! ]
It must be noted that Cavers is a HIGH-RANKING OFFICIAL with Green Party of Canada, with close ties to Canadian Cancer Society and Pesticide Free BC … all three are Anti-Pesticide Organizations that IMPOSE LIFE-STYLE CHOICES by using FRAUD and CONSPIRACY in order to create a so-called healthy society.
Cavers also originates from a family of PROMINENT CAREER ACTIVISTS with Green Party of Canada.
Fortunately, Cavers had NO SUPPORT within City Council, and NO SIGNIFICANT SUPPORT within the community.
People recognized that Donovan Cavers KNOWS NOTHING about pest control products.
Cavers has NO TRAINING and NO BACKGROUND in matters concerning pest control products.
Cavers is NOT COMPETENT to give advice about pest control products.
For more information about DONOVAN CAVERS, go to the following web-page …
For more information about BRITISH COLUMBIA, go to the following web-pages …
I am concerned with the campaign by [ Anti-Pesticide ] City Councillor Donovan Cavers to ban the use of what are called cosmetic pest control products.
The anti-pesticide crusaders are saying that, as a home-owner, I don’t read labels, nor am I able to follow directions on those labels.
They are saying I am stupid.
Well, I DO read labels, and I am able to follow directions.
The pesticides/herbicides available at Wal-Mart or Canadian Tire are VERY DILUTED PRODUCTS, specifically made for the home-owner.
If you go to the Health Canada web-site and read how these products are registered, you will see that SAFETY FACTORS ARE BUILT IN, from 100 times to as high as 1,000 times above the safe dose shown.
These products are SAFE TO USE.
Those home-owners I have spoken to are not so worried about a few dandelions in their yard.
But they are concerned about clover and black medick ( to name a couple ) that will take over your lawn if not controlled.
Believe me, you cannot just pull these weeds out as you can a dandelion.
There are also turf diseases and insects we need to be able to control.
I do not have the perfect lawn, nor do I strive for that.
My lawn has some weeds and is not level, nor is it the greenest lawn in town, but I do take pride in trying to keep my lawn and property neat and tidy.
I do not want my grass over-run with weeds.
I am confident the small amount of herbicide applied to my lawn to keep it healthy is applied safely and my lawn is a safe place for me, my grandchildren and my pets to enjoy.
All I am asking is that people do their homework, check the Health Canada web-site, and listen to the scientists who specialize in pest control product toxicology and research.
I have.
The decisions made about the use of pest control products SHOULD NOT BE BASED ON JUNK SCIENCE provided by UNINFORMED individuals and groups with NO scientific expertise on the subject.
The City of Kamloops already has a by-law regulating the use of pest control products.
We do not need further restrictions on pest control products.
For the original copy of the report on MARY MORRISON, go to …
For more information about HEROES SPEAKING OUT AGAINST ANTI-PESTICIDE TERRORISM, go to the following web-page …
For more information about LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, go to the following web-pages …
READING LABELS, as well as OPERATING LEGALLY, appear to be greater problems with Anti-Pesticide Activists than with home-owners.
Paul Tukey is an American Journalist, Environmental-Lunatic-Terrorist, ILLEGAL Non-Registered Lobbyist, ILLEGAL Pesticide Applicator, and Tax-Evader.
Would you trust him ?
According to Tukey …
When Paul Tukey was talking to a radio interviewer about his lawn care business, he admitted to spraying pest control products WITHOUT A LICENSE for SEVERAL YEARS until he was APPREHENDED by local authorities.
This is what he said on March 5th, 2010 …
I actually owned my own lawn care company.
I sprayed for a couple of years just unabatedly WITHOUT A LICENCE, and I got FINED by the Maine Board of Pesticide Control.
So I … with my tail between my legs … I went and got my pesticide applicator licences.
How difficult can it be to READ A LABEL in order PASS AN EXAM and OPERATE A LAWN CARE BUSINESS LEGALLY ?!?!
For more information about PAUL TUKEY, go to the following web-page …
For more information about U.S. TERRORISM, go to the following web-page …
What can YOU do against Anti-Pesticide Lunatics ?
FIGHT AGAINST the CONSPIRACY to PROHIBIT pest control products used in the Urban Landscape.
RAT-OUT the Anti-Pesticide Lunatics with COMPLAINTS through LETTERS TO THE EDITOR and with SUBMISSIONS to the government.
Anti-Pesticide Lunatics are GOVERNMENT-FINANCED with TAX-FREE MONEY.
For more information about COMPLAINT CHANNELS and other actions, go to the following links …