Call to change pesticide laws ‘short-sighted’
Posted 15 minutes ago
Map: Mildura 3500 The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) has criticised a move to change Australia’s pesticide laws.
A coalition of environment and consumer groups have called on the Government to strengthen Australian pesticide laws in line with the Europe Union.
Europe has banned 80 chemicals in use in Australia, because of risks they pose to human and environment health.
The VFF’s Andrew Broad says Australia has strong pesticide guidelines and banning the chemicals would harm agriculture.
“In the last few year of dry weather we wouldn’t have produced enough food to not only feed ourselves, but also export,” he said.
“So it’s a very short-sighted, unenvironmental perspective and it’s a cheap shot by people who need to get out of their offices, stop drinking their lattes and see what modern agriculture is all about.”
via Call to change pesticide laws ‘short-sighted’ – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation).