Creepy-Crawly Christmas Trees Contain Insects Like Adelgids, Aphids, Bark Beetles, Mites, Pine Needle Scales, Praying Mantises, Sawflies, And Spiders
December 1st, 2017
Travel + Leisure
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
A warning from pest control company Safer Brand might have even die-hard Christmas-tree-lovers opting for a fake one this year.
As many as 25,000 creepy-crawly bugs are lurking on the average Christmas tree.
While these insects are relatively harmless ― and, what’s more, most can’t survive long in the warm, dry conditions of the average home ― some of them can be pretty inconvenient.
Squishing aphids, for example, can leave a stain on furniture and fabric, and mites can cause your tree’s needles to die and fall off early.
Praying mantises are arguably the worst offenders of the bunch, as their eggs ― as many as 400 in all ― can hatch after being left indoors for a prolonged period of time.
Creeped out ?!?!
There are a number of preventive steps you can take to rid your holiday decorations of hangers-on.
It is recommended to …
• Leave the tree outside or in the garage for a few days before bringing it indoors
• Remove any branches with visible eggs or nests
• Shake the tree to manually remove bugs
• Treat the tree with either diatomaceous earth or neem oil to kill any insects that remain [ when permitted by the label directions ]
• Vacuum-up bugs you can spot on or near the tree
According to a Norwegian insect expert, locally-grown hardwood trees tend to carry fewer insects.
The expert added that « there are plenty of insects and bugs in potted plants that are regular features in most households ».
In other words ― don’t freak out.
Just be aware that when your family gathers around the tree this year, you may have more guests than you planned.
Reference -- Christmas Trees -- Does Your Tree Have Bugs ?!?! -- Video Recording -- 1 Minute 44 Seconds
Reference -- Christmas Trees -- Yours Might Be Full Of Bugs -- Video Recording -- 2 Minutes 5 Seconds
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