Can you believe Turf and Rec chooses to post recent letters from the Russian War Novelist K. Jean Cottam than from a Professional Horticultural Guru like William H. Gathercole.
Your Magazine sort of sucks Mike. It seems to be asking for help. Help me, I don't know what else to write about. I don't even maintain a lawn (turf) anymore.
No doubt some time in the near future you may even want to associate yourself with our blog site
If you need anything from our blog feel free to use it, it is a tough go for all of us in the Green Industry. Standing united is the goal.
B.C. legislators caved in to industry, rejected findings of independent science
Letter to the editor
Re: "Some good news, finally, regarding B.C.’s pesticide use” by Mike Jiggens; “No pesticide ban in B.C., committee recommends,” both published in the June 2012 issue of Turf and Recreation magazine. They were all mesmerized by the so-called expertise of Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) and its pesticide approval process which seems wonderful on paper. Never mind that the PMRA has no labs of its own and is fully dependent on toxicological studies submitted by the industry, with inconvenient data withheld. Also bear in mind that rats have detoxification genes missing in humans. Moreover, the PMRA is notoriously weak in examining epidemiological studies. What has been recommended by the B.C. committee “makes perfect sense” only to those with vested interest in the status quo (the proposed changes in B.C.’s management of pesticides will have a virtually imperceptible effect). In contrast, a majority of Ontario citizens are grateful to our legislators that they rose above the vested interest of our pesticide applicators. Blaming the average Joe for applying pesticides incorrectly and thereby inviting pesticide bans is not the answer. There is sufficient evidence to suggest that pesticides do cause harm, even if applied “correctly.” In Ontario, Ted Chudleigh’s amendment to the Ontario ban, which would have allowed application of pesticides by so-called professionals, was defeated. (Ted Chudleigh is Halton’s Progressive Conservative MPP.) The Ontario citizens’ reaction to the bill’s defeat speaks volumes. After all, pesticides do not cease to be toxic when applied by so-called professionals. What happened in B.C. can hardly be attributed to “science and common sense,” but rather to a strong influence of professional pesticide applicators and the evident pro-industry bias of the committee, whose members and chair rejected all independent science-based opinions. Mr. Jiggens suggests that the B.C. decision not to ban pesticides was also motivated by the need not to jeopardize tourist-generated revenues. Was the health of B.C. inhabitants sacrificed to the alleged preferences of the American tourist? I have never heard of anyone choosing their holidays on the basis of the state of lawns in the destination country! In fact, many countries’ tourists have no lawns. I happen to reside in an Ottawa’s suburb where weed-infested lawns are seldom to be found. You say, “Somewhere along the line, commons sense has to prevail… Now it’s Ontario turn to right a wrong.” A wrong to whom? Certainly not to a homeowner with an attractive lawn maintained without the use of pesticides such as myself. K. Jean Cottam, PhD |
via B.C. legislators caved in to industry, rejected findings of independent science – Turf & Recreation.