Exceeding Two Applications of Fiesta Per Year ?!?!
Dear Force Of Nature,
Where is Linda McIntosh and Health Canada when it comes to off-label usage of a registered product like Fiesta ?
Thank you.
A concerned and out of business lawn care operator.
LawnSavers Plant Health Care Inc. of Concord, Ontario.
Illegal Usage of Fiesta ?!?!?
Exceeding Two Applications of Fiesta Per Year ?!?!
Is Lawn Savers offering a program of FOUR applications of Fiesta Herbicide ?!?!
According to the Directions For Use on the Fiesta Herbicide label …
Do not apply more than 2 times per year.
Observers are suggesting that LawnSavers Plant Health Care Inc. reconsider its advertising and programs.
Clearly, exceeding the directions for use of Fiesta Herbicide are designed to improve the performance of a mediocre product.
However, applying Fiesta Herbicide more than twice per year is a violation of federal law.
Official COMPLAINTS Should Only Be The Last Resort.
Complaint Channels ― Health Canada
Linda McIntosh
Regional Manager
Pesticide Compliance Program
/ Programme de la Conformité des Pesticides
Health Canada / Santé Canada
Tel: 519-826-2895
Fax: 519-826-2129
Email: linda.mcintosh@hc-sc.gc.ca
Efficacy of Fiesta Herbicide
Adequate broad-leaved weed control with Fiesta Herbicide is only achieved with an EXORBITANT 6 TO 8 REPEAT APPLICATIONS PER SEASON, or more.
Even with REPEAT APPLICATIONS, the weeds are NEVER ENTIRELY KILLED, and EXCESSIVE USE of iron will lead to a DETERIORATION IN TURF QUALITY AND DENSITY, which will lead to further problems with weed invasion.
Fiesta Herbicide was registered and approved for use in the Province of Ontario in April 2010, and was quickly incorporated into weed control programs ― NOT BECAUSE OF ITS EFFICACY, but because of the 2009 legislation that IMPOSED AN UNECCESSARY AND UNREALISTIC ANTI-PESTICIDE PROHIBITION which PREVENTED Professional Lawn Care companies from using conventional herbicides that WERE TRULY EFFECTIVE AS WELL AS SAFE.
Catastrophic CARNAGE in Ontario
The CATASTROPHIC CARNAGE of the Professional Lawn Care Industry in Provinces like Ontario was EXTENSIVE because there were NO valid economical alternatives to replace the prohibited conventional products.
Because of PROHIBITION in Ontario, the Professional Lawn Care Industry LOST OVER 500,000,000 DOLLARS, with UP TO 12,500 UNEMPLOYED, and ONE-COMPANY-PER-WEEK DISAPPEARS INTO TOTAL OBLIVION.
The vast majority of users OVERWHELMINGLY CONDEMN Fiesta, hence, the MAJOR REASON for the DOOMING of the Professional Lawn Care Industry that ENTIRELY DEPENDED upon its success.
In fact, conventional herbicides, such as 2,4-D, are deemed SAFER than Fiesta.
Fiesta, and any of its iron-based derivatives, are considered to be DISMAL FAILURES as weed control products, especially because of the EXORBITANT NUMBER OF REPEAT APPLICATIONS REQUIRED EVERY SEASON.
In fact, ALL so-called Green Alternative Pesticides and Green Alternative Methods are DISMAL FAILURES ― they DO NOT WORK !
By the year 2011, in jurisdictions like Ontario, the EXORBITANT REPEAT APPLICATIONS AND STUNNINGLY HIGH COST of Fiesta prompted Professional Lawn Care companies to CONCOCT their own iron-based mixtures through the ILLEGAL USE of LOW-COST AGRICULTURAL FERTILIZER IRON.
Warning From Health Canada
Why bother with legal and registered products when you can LIE and CHEAT with iron-based fertilizer ?
On March 12th, 2012, the Government of Canada warned the Professional Lawn Care Industry that any person found using/promoting an unregistered iron fertilizer for weed control will be subject to compliance and enforcement measures.
According to a Government Official at Health Canada in a letter to LandsCAPE Ontario Trade Association …
It has recently come to our attention that a number of LANDSCAPE ONTARIO MEMBERS are promoting the use of UNREGISTERED IRON-BASED FERTILIZERS for the selective control of broadleaf weeds in turf.
At the present time, there are ONLY TWO COMMERCIAL IRON-BASED PRODUCTS REGISTERED under the Pest Control Products Act ( PCPA ) for the selective control of broadleaf weeds in turf, including Fiesta Lawn Weed Killer Ready To Spray ( PCP No. 29534 ) and Fiesta Lawn Weed Killer ( PCP No. 29535 ).
The use of unregistered pest control products in Canada is prohibited as per Section 6 (1) of the PCPA; « No person shall manufacture, store, transport, import, distribute or use a pest control product that is not registered under this Act … ».
Accordingly, any person found using/promoting an unregistered iron fertilizer for weed control will be SUBJECT TO COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT MEASURES, as set forth by the authority of the PCPA and Regulations.
I am sending you this information for your consideration.
I would be most interested in obtaining any ideas or suggestions you may have to help effect compliance with our Federal Legislation.
I look forward to your comments or suggestions and thank you for your attention in this matter.
Warning From Neudorff
Violating federal law also resulted in a VEILED THREAT from the manufacturer of Fiesta Herbicide, Neudorff.
According to the Neudorff Media Release on April 4th, 2012 ―
Fiesta is the ONLY registered chelated iron pesticide product trade-marked and registered for legal use.
There’s a growing trend towards KNOCK-OFF PRODUCTS, these are not only ILLEGAL but also contain a lower quality chelated iron.
According to the Neudorff video also released on April 4th, 2012 ―
KNOCK-OFFS, lower-quality chelated iron added to a number of different mixes are now being seen in the market-place.
Businesses who buy those products and re-sell them to their customers are BREAKING THE LAW …
… giving customers SUB-STANDARD ILLEGAL PRODUCT, and RISKING THEIR REP if they get caught.
Some businesses are telling their customers they’re getting Fiesta, even putting up lawn signs that say Fiesta, but they’re substituting the ILLEGAL product in their sprayers, and risking FRAUD CHARGES, and a LETHAL BLOW to their reputation.
If you’re going the chelated iron route, DON’T ROLL THE DICE.
ILLEGAL Recommendations
by Officials at University of Guelph
Why bother with legal and registered label directions when you can LIE and CHEAT based upon recommendations from University of Guelph.
Since 2010, government officials employed by the University of Guelph have recommended ILLEGAL AND EXORBITANT REPEAT APPLICATIONS of Fiesta Herbicide.
Clearly, recommendations SUBSTANTIALLY EXCEEDING the directions for use of Fiesta Herbicide are designed to improve the performance of a mediocre product, and to preserve the university’s vested interest in further obtaining money to research this product.
The ONLY legal recommendations for Fiesta are found on its label.
According the Directions For Use on the Fiesta Herbicide label …
Do not apply more than 2 times per year.
Observers are demanding that Health Canada launch an investigation against University of Guelph, Guelph Turfgrass Institute, Pamela Charbonneau, and Rob Witherspoon, for repeatedly violating federal law.
Clearly, recommendations substantially exceeding the directions for use of Fiesta Herbicide are designed to improve the performance of a mediocre product, and to preserve the university’s vested interest in obtaining further money to research this product.
Observers expect that those government officials found abusing their status and authority as university experts will be subject to compliance and enforcement measures, as set forth by the Pest Control Products Act and Regulations.
Example of Guelph ILLEGAL Recommendation ― No. 1
An update on the Canadian pesticide ban from our friend Pam Charbonneau, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Turfgrass Specialist, from the Guelph Turfgrass Institute ―
A note about pesticide alternatives ― a lack of access to traditional materials has spurred interest in alternative products, such as high rates of ferrous sulphate for selective weed control, which is found in Fiesta Herbicide, sold by the Scotts Company, corn gluten meal, and nematodes for grubs.
Of these, the Fiesta seems to have achieved a MODERATE level of success.
From research at Guelph, it appears that 2 TO 3 APPLICATIONS during the spring and the summer can provide significant selective control of broad-leaf weeds.
June 13th, 2011
Report on Canadian Pesticide Ban
Cornell University, ShortCUTT, Week 11
Transcript of Podcast Recorded by Frank Rossi
Report Written by Pam Charbonneau
Government Official Employed by University of Guelph
Example of Guelph ILLEGAL Recommendation ― No. 2
Fiesta applied at THREE-WEEK INTERVALS UP TO FOUR TIMES PER YEAR ensures control of large and hard to kill weeds. Research at Guelph Turfgrass Institute has shown that THREE BLANKET APPLICATIONS of 100 mmL/m2 three weeks apart results in turf that is 95% weed-free.
Research Performed by University of Guelph
Results Reported on Neudorff Web-Site
Example of Guelph ILLEGAL Recommendation ― No. 3
Research conducted at the Guelph Turfgrass Institute indicates that there may be some regrowth from the root of certain weeds but REPEATED APPLICATIONS AS NEEDED may eventually weaken the plant and result in complete eradication of the weed.
April 8th, 2012
Guelph Turfgrass Institute Web-Site
Report on Iron Chelates
Written by Rob Witherpoon
Government Official Employed by University of Guelph
Example of Guelph ILLEGAL Recommendation ― No. 4
Weed control products and timing
Dandelions are now flowering in some urban areas near sidewalks and so on.
There isn't wide spread flowering yet.
Some of the slower to emerge weeds are showing up now such as narrow and broadleaved plantain.
There is no need to panic about applying the post-emergence herbicide Fiesta.
It works best on a broad spectrum of weeds if TWO APPLICATIONS ARE MADE IN THE SPRING AND THEN TWO IN THE FALL.
April 16th, 2011
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Web-Site
Turfgrass Management Report
Written by Pamela Charbonneau
Government Official Employed by University of Guelph
NORAHG has archived even more information on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site …
For the original copy of this Force Of Nature Report, go to the following link …