Have you ever heard of the WEEDGEE KIDS. Thats Right, Caledon was one of the first on the ANTI PESTICIDE CAMPAIGNS.
Why are municpalities not resorting to ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS to combat these weeds?
There are so called equivalents to Roundup: Vinegar, Ammonium Soaps of Fatty Acids, Chlorine, Fatty Acids, etc… that are supposed to work on lawns, why not on Giant Hogweed? What is the difference between a cosmetic weed and a dangerous weed when it comes to control? Nothing. They both die the same way. If your using “RoundUp” that is. The Alternatives replacements are used just as implied “for cosmetic reasons”. They look good when you initially apply them but they do very little in helping the problem.
Think slowly about this. If “Scotts EcoSense Path Clear Grass & Weed Control ” (Soaps of Fatty Acids) worked well, they would use it on Giant Hogweed instead of using “ROUNDNUP”
Using “ROUNDUP” on our food and for “Health Reasons” and not for (pride of ownership) “cosmetic purposes” is nothing more than a political strategy.
Funders: EcoAction (2003-2004), Town of Caledon, Summer Career Placements (HRDC), Citizens for a Clean Caledon, The Ontario Trillium Foundation through the Caledon Countryside Alliances Reducing your Ecological Footprint Campaign, Caledon Countryside Alliance
Town realizes Giant Hogweed problem needs to be dealt with
2010-09-02 / News
By Ashley Metzger
Giant Hogweed needs to be regulated and taken care of before someone gets hurt.
That was the message delivered to Caledon council in a staff report recently.
Council agreed that the continued spread of the plant could constitute a public nuisance, and that Town staff should prepare a bylaw aimed at regulating and controlling its spread.
Giant Hogweed is a plant which may be hazardous to some individuals if their skin comes in contact with the sap from the plants stem. The staff report said the sap can cause burns, blisters and hypersensitivity to sunlight.
Giant Hogweed was first noticed in Caledon five years ago and is mainly found in wet areas. The report said people in town are becoming more and more aware of the plant and have filed at least 10 complaints over the last five years concerning plants on private property. In seven of those cases, the plant in question has proven to be Giant Hogweed.
The report stated the plant is normally controlled by a pesticide called Roundup. Roundup is regulated and legal, and therefore can only be applied by a trained and licensed applicator.
Both Mississauga and Brampton are already implementing regulations on Giant Hogweed and controlling it with pesticides.
Councillor Allan Thompson thought it was important to “keep it under control.” However, he also believed that the cost may be too high if it is done out of house. He inquired as to the price difference if it was done in-house versus hiring someone to do the job. Thompson said he strongly believed that Caledon has someone on staff who would be capable and trained to take care of this without going out of house. He asked staff to report on that.
Councillor Doug Beffort agreed with Thompson, adding that the Town should offer the service to private properties because they would be able to recover some of their costs.
Councillor Jason Payne thought that it would be a good idea to put notes and a picture on-line so citizens can see what Giant Hogweed looks like. However, the picture would have to be in colour because the plant is distinguished by the fact it’s purple.