FIFRA Companion Bill Introduced in House
NAFB News Service
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Reacting to a court ruling and following in the footsteps of Senate Ag leaders Blanche Lincoln and Saxby Chambliss, members of the House Agriculture Committee have introduced H.R. 6087. The bill states that the use of a pesticide consistent with its registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act should not be subject to a costly, redundant and unnecessary permit process under the Clean Water Act.
Since passage of the Act in 1972 – the Environmental Protection Agency has interpreted the act to exclude lawful pesticide applications regulated under FIFRA from National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits. But in January 2009 – the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the EPA did not have the authority to exempt application of pesticides.
Last year – Representative Frank Lucas of Oklahoma joined several of his colleagues and supported a petition to the Supreme Court to hear the case – but the petition was rejected. H.R. 6087 – written by Lucas – would make clear that producers who are in compliance with the requirements of FIFRA do not need to obtain Clean Water Act permits.
via Hoosier Ag Today – News.