Friday, July 16, 2010
FIESTA. Another Reduced Risk SIESTA
FIESTA herbicide, a reduced risk product, is generally being poorly received by homeowners and technicans alike.
Even at the maximum label rate, there is some eye candy in terms of the undesireable plant material turning black, but the claims of this product being systemic are completely bogus. Regrowth happens quite quickly
Secondly, there is little if any surfactant in the product. It beads quite nicely, but generally doesn’t adhere to a leaf surface except for dandelions and thistles (which also quickly regrow).
Claims that it controls 13 weeds are also speculative at best. Unlike the GTI (Guelph Turfgrass Institute) which claims it works marvels on black medick, it does not suppress, reduce, or even gradually eliminate this problem weed.
Even when applications of this product are treated at varying PSI, and through different delivery systems (handcans, backpacks, and mechanical pump systems), the overall results fail in the general environment.
It may work well on controlled, experimental research plots, but in the general landscape, it fails, even when all label instructions are followed.
And it is a very expensive product to use. I guess it will join Sarritor (Sclerotinia minor) in the dustbin of failed ‘reduced risk’ alternatives to proven, PMRA approved, well-studied synthetic chemical products.
At least next year we have Scott’s new marvel ‘reduced risk’ product, Phoma macrostoma to look forward to. Yeah right.