There is a big Controversy over growing BT BRINJAL in India for human consumption (Genetically Modified Eggplant with Bacillus Thuringiensis genes embedded within the seed)
You can spray 14000 gallons a day of Bacillus Thuringiensis over a population, for Mosquito control, from an airplane, south of Montreal Ontario.
You can even use BT for pests in the garden and Ornamental Landscapes in Ontario.
You cannot use Roundup in the Garden or Ornamental landscapes in Ontario.
You cannot spray Roundup from an airplane over a popluation.
You can use roundup in food Crops for consumption.
We need science to dictate what is right and wrong when dealing with these products, whether they be organic or synthetic in nature. Enviro Terror has people spinning in their seats taking away the forward movement needed to advance as a society. How does the Precautionary Priciple sit with using Vectobac (trade secret ingredients)? Lets have it out with the mosquitoes au-natural and see where we get. Population control is one of the Activists many desires.
Activists continue to prove themselves as Fabulists in order to justify their ideology. Gideon Forman does have a Degree in Creative Writing from Banff Centre.
For this example with BT (Supposed safe lessor toxic alternative) within a short span of time this will be the next product banned. Inert ingredients in a product like 2,4-d or Roundup are toxic according to these Activists. But inert ingredients in VectoBac a safer alternative are a TRADE SECRET.
Inert ingredients can be changed. Activists cannot. Their lies and deception will follow them to their graves.
These activists are gambling for a payout, for infamy. They are betting on the fact that one day (they hope) they will find, without a doubt a scientific study to prove these chemicals are killing people. Their best chances are to have one of their group members manipulate the data to represent what they want it to say. As Like Mr. Hayes and Atrazine or the IPCC on Climate Change research.
The persons affected by this mentality are only trying to make a living and pay their bills. They rely on the Government Agencies to regulate their work and use of products safely, yet the Activists continue to bash everyone from the Lawn Care Operator/Supplier/Retailer all the way up to Health Canada for deaths that have not occurred.
The Activists justify their reasoning by implying repeatedly “the government is lying to everyone”, “the government doesn’t have enough trained persons to do their job right”
A new product will come out into the marketplace with very little tested background information on it, no studies on it and the public (Activists) will accept it with open arms.
For example “Fiesta” Herbicide, the manufacturers does not have this product registered for use in its native country GERMANY. Why is that? They even suggest on their own Forums to use a registered “Rasenunkrautvernichter” for weeds on lawns. These products contain 2,4-d
Safe for Bees, Safe when Flowering is what they are saying.
HECK LETS BOYCOTT NEUDORFF GERMANY MEG SEARS and BARB KAMINSKI. How can we just sit here and watch all the cancer related deaths?
Rasenunkrautvernichter Loredo Quadro 400ml, Product Link Here
Biozide sicher verwenden. Use biocides safely. Vor Gebrauch stets Kennzeichnung und Produktinformation lesen. Before use, always read the label and product. Darf nicht in die Hände von Kindern gelangen. Keep out of reach of children. Anwendungshinweise beachten. Application instructions.
INGREDIENT NAME: Bacillus thuringiensis, subsp. israelensis
CAS/RTECS NUMBERS: 68038-71-1 / N/A
INGREDIENT NAME: Inert Ingredients – identity withheld as a Trade Secret
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Direct contact with eyes or skin may cause mild irritation.
Williston Herald – Online Edition.
Spraying continues
By Alta Mayhugh
Staff Writer
Published/Last Modified on Thursday, June 10, 2010 11:23 AM CDT
The majestic C-130 is back in Williston.
On Wednesday, the plane was making rounds southeast of town, dipping low above the water and disappearing into the clouds. Williston Area Vector Control District 1 Director Fran Bosch and Maj. Karl Haagsma of the Air Force watched the plane circle around while standing on the bluffs. Haagsma communicated with people on the plane via radio as it circled around and headed east to Minot for a landing.
Bosch was really nervous the Air Force wouldn’t be able to come this year. There was concern it’d have to stay in the Gulf due to the oil crisis. The people here in Williston from the Air Force were in the Gulf, but Haagsma said they were able to be released for the mosquito mission.
And as long as the weather cooperates, the Air Force plans to spray daily in the area through June 16. It’s possible there may be two planes spraying each day at some point; as of Wednesday morning, there were plans for another plane to fly in from Youngstown, Ohio, Haagsma said.
The Air Force has been spraying in the morning because the wind is calmer during that time of the day. The plan is to do at least three sorties, or flights, a day; the sorties last 30 to 40 minutes each. And if it gets another plane, it may be able to do six or seven flights a day, Haagsma said. The spray is the same as last year; it’s called VectoBac, spray that’s specific to mosquitoes and harmless to mammals.
“It doesn’t have much of an effect on other insects,” he said.
Last year, the Air Force sprayed 6,500 acres of land, and it has enough VectoBac for 20,000 acres. It sprays about 1,900 gallons of the pesticide per flight, four gallons per acre, he said.
“We’ll keep hitting it hard, see if we can double, triple what we did last year,” Haagsma said.
Funding for the Air Force comes through the Army Corps of Engineers, and Bosch said Jeff Keller, natural resource manager for the ACE Williston office, has been instrumental in getting the Air Force to Williston.
Having the Air Force here is a relief to Bosch, especially with the continuous flood warning issued for the Missouri River.
When the river floods and spills out over the side, mosquitoes flock to the stagnant water.
And mosquitoes that hatch only take five days to become adults, Bosch said.
“I feel very good about it. I couldn’t be happier,” Bosch said of the Air Force’s presence.
There are plans to spray near Watford City next month, and to spray near the Trenton Indian Service Area. Haagsma wants the public to know the Air Force is just spraying over water, and although people may see a stream coming from the plane above land, it’s exhaust.
“People mistake exhaust for actual spray,” he said.
Haagsma is glad to aid in the mosquito battle.
“We’re just happy we can provide some extra service to the citizens of Williston,” he said.
Williston area residents are also seeing a yellow AgCat in the sky.
The plane is from Aero Spraying Services of Williston, and vector control is continuing to use its assistance in the fight against mosquitoes in addition to aid from the Air Force.