Pest control products contribute to HEALTHIER COMMUNITIES,
MORE THAN HALF of Ontario home-owners feel
the provincial government DID NOT DO THE RIGHT THING
by implementing Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION
Ontario home-owners WOULD RATHER HAVE
Dr. Lorne Hepworth is president of CropLife Canada, the trade association representing manufacturers, developers and distributors of pest control products, including those designed specifically for urban use.
I agree with a recent editorial that Manitobans deserve an informed debate about THE PROPOSED MANITOBA PESTICIDE BAN.
However, the editorial reiterated MIS-INFORMATION about the safety of the products used to protect valuable green spaces from insect weed and dis-ease infestations.
What Manitobans should know is that before any pest control product can be used in Canada, it must first be approved by Health Canada.
This process involves a COMPREHENSIVE SET OF OVER 200 TESTS and a REVIEW OF ALL SCIENTIFICALLY CREDIBLE STUDIES that exist to ensure that the product WILL NOT CAUSE HARM to people, animals or the environment.
Through this process, pest control products receive a greater breadth of scrutiny than any other regulated product, and only those products that meet Health Canada's strict health and safety standards are REGISTERED for sale and use.
Manitobans should also know how home-owners in Ontario feel about the ban, now that it has been in place for two years.
In a recent poll of Ontario home-owners, MORE THAN HALF feel the Government of Ontario DID NOT DO THE RIGHT THING by implementing a ban.
The Ontario poll also says that home-owners WOULD RATHER HAVE THE BAN SCRAPPED OR MODIFIED.
The polling also found that many Ontarians are WILFULLY BREAKING THE LAW by using pest control products on their lawns and gardens that have been banned or mixing potentially dangerous concoctions on their own.
The fact of the matter is that pest control products used on lawns and gar-dens are designed as tools to address specific pest problems infesting valuable landscapes ― they are not « cosmetic » at all.
Pest control products help control threats to human health ( such as rats and mosquitoes ), they protect private and public properties from pest infestations and they help ensure that Canadians have a safe and affordable supply of food.
Pest control products contribute to HEALTHIER COMMUNITIES, and GREATER WELL-BEING and PROSPERITY.
Dr. Lorne Hepworth is the nation’s most effective and consistent spokesman on public policy and pest control products.
Dr. Lorne Hepworth is President of CropLife Canada, formerly Crop Protec-tion Institute of Canada, since 1997, as well as its past Vice-President.
He is responsible for overall strategic direction and management.
CropLife Canada is the trade association representing manufacturers, devel-opers and distributors of pest control products, including those designed specifically for urban use.
Dr. Hepworth is Canada’s MOST EFFECTIVE and CONSISTENT SPOKESMAN on the subject of public policy and pest control products.
Dr. Hepworth is a graduate of Western College of Veterinary Medicine at University of Saskatchewan.
Dr. Hepworth was a veterinarian in Alberta and Saskatchewan until 1982.
In 1982, Dr. Hepworth was elected Member of the Legislative Assembly for the Constituency of Weyburn, Saskatchewan.
Dr. Hepworth served nine years in the Saskatchewan Cabinet, holding port-folios for Agriculture, Education, Finance, and Energy and Mines.
In Letters To The Editor across Canada, Dr. Hepworth has effectively and consistently spoken out against activists and anti-pesticide prohibitions on a very frequent basis.
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