Overview – Background Information
Roundup Attacks
Roundup Jackpot-Justice
The conspiracy against Roundup is a coordinated & well-funded attack against the manufacturer Bayer⁄Monsanto, using glyphosate-cancer litigation, as well as social media, intimidation, & confrontation.
Jackpot-justice lawsuits against Roundup are the product of rampant collusion, misconduct, and even fraud and corruption.
Gullible & ignorant jurors have awarded outrageous amounts of $80,000,000 or more.
The Roundup-cancer litigations have been textbook cases of kangaroo-trials ( i.e. courts without good or valid evidence).
Roundup Kangaroo-Trials
With these kangaroo-trials, the legal system has been irretrievably-corrupted.
The false-claim that Roundup is carcinogenic should never be admitted as evidence in any trial.
Logic and data have been replaced by emotion & virtue signaling.
Roundup is not a carcinogen.
We must keep fraudulent science out of our courtrooms since Roundup has been vindicated again and again by national regulatory agencies and organizations.
Roundup Kangaroo-Trials In California
• $289.2 Million ( reduced to $78.5 Million ) jackpot verdict against Monsanto, August 2018.
• Dewayne “Lee” Johnson V Monsanto Company.
• Plaintiff alleges suffering from Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma [ NHL ] after years of exposure to Roundup. [ ?!?! ]
• Plaintiff’s team of jackpot-justice attorneys was Virginia-based Miller Firm, which included Timothy Litzeburg, who has been charged by federal prosecutors with extortion.
• Kangaroo-Trial Judge Vince Girdhari Chhabria, State Court, San Francisco, California.
• The verdict is under appeal by Bayer, which acquired Monsanto.
• Link – https://wp.me/p1jq40-cmg
• $2.055 Billion ( reduced to $87 Million ) jackpot verdict against Monsanto, May 13th, 2019.
• Alva & Alberta Pilliod ( 2 plaintiffs ) V Monsanto Company.
• Plaintiffs allege suffering from Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma [ NHL ] after years of exposure to Roundup. [ ?!?! ]
• Kangaroo-Trial Judge Winifred Smith ( Judge Ioana Petrou replaced ), Judicial Council of California Proceedings.
• The verdict is under appeal by Bayer, which acquired Monsanto.
• $80 Million jackpot verdict against Monsanto, December 19th, 2019.
• Edwin Hardeman V Monsanto Company.
• Plaintiff alleges suffering from Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma [ NHL ] after years of exposure to Roundup. [ ?!?! ]
• Kangaroo-Trial Judge Vince Girdhari Chhabria, Federal Court, California.
• The verdict is under appeal by Bayer, which acquired Monsanto.
Roundup Harm ?
Do all of these kangaroo-trials indicate that Roundup actually harms people ?!?!
No !
Roundup represents no risk to public health.
Roundup will not cause cancer.
It is biologically impossible !
And yet, there are over 13,000 more kangaroo-trials that are pending nation-wide against Bayer⁄Monsanto in US courts, all without good or valid evidence against Roundup.
These trials are attacks against Roundup that are fueled by …
• agendas against scientific innovation
• lunatжc doctrines against pesticides
• cherry-picked studies
• fake news
• false-cancer-claims
• fraudulent science
• frivolous litigation
• imaginary danger
• motivations to impose socialism
Roundup Socialism
The Roundup kangaroo-trials are designed to impose socialism.
The conspiracy against Roundup is not only an attack against scientific innovation, it is also a means of imposing socialism.
In western countries, the slide towards socialism ( a.k.a. wealth re-distribution ) is taking root not only at the ballot box, but also from the jury box.
In essence, the Roundup kangaroo-trials are campaigns to re-distribute wealth from innovative companies, like Bayer⁄Monsanto, to sympathetic plaintiffs who allege suffering from cancer because of their exposure to Roundup ― all while jackpot-justice plaintiff-attorneys are taking a healthy cut for themselves.
Polls indicate that 51 per cent of Americans think socialism would be a bad thing for the country.
Roundup Vindication
Roundup has been vindicated and continues to be registered as a successful and safe product.
4 decades and 3300 studies by respected agencies and organizations world-wide have concluded that Roundup is safe & non-carcinogenic, based on assessments of actual risk.
National regulatory agencies and organizations have vindicated Roundup with their safety findings, which include ―
• US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ) • Health Canada • European Food Safety Authority • European Chemicals Agency • UN Food & Agriculture Organization • Germany’s Institute for Risk Assessment • Australia’s Pesticides & Veterinary Medicines Authority, and others.
Furthermore, the US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ) has evaluated this herbicide, and has re-affirmed that there is no risk to public health when used properly.
Additionally, a study conducted by US National Cancer Institute followed the health of 54,000 farmers and commercial pesticide applicators for over two decades, and found no glyphosate-cancer link.
They have all concluded that Roundup does not cause cancer.
Roundup & IARC
International Agency For Research On Cancer ( IARC ) is a corrupt, fraudulent, & politicized anti-glyphosate & environmental-terrжrist organization.
It is the only major science body that attacks against Roundup & its imaginary cancer danger [ ?!?! ].
In order to support its false-cancer-claims against Roundup, IARC has been caught …
• cherry-picking low-value studies
• doctoring documents
• excluding relevant safety data
• manipulating evidence
• undermining the safety findings of every respected national regulatory agency and organization world-wide
IARC conducts bad & fraudulent science, which is, on occasion, promoted by its fanatжcal-officials who receive pay-offs to undermine Roundup.
Jackpot-justice plaintiff-attorneys use the IARC’s false-cancer-claims to make bank with gullible juries in kangaroo-trials against Roundup.
Only one [ ?!?! ] chemical has ever been evaluated by IARC as non-carcinogenic ― this has proved that IARC is a corrupt, fraudulent, & politicized organization with ridiculously flawed evaluations.
We must keep IARC’s fraudulent science out of our courtrooms !
These IARC claims should never be admitted as evidence in any trial, especially in kangaroo-trials, against glyphosate.
Roundup Terrжr Will NEVER End
Can Bayer⁄Monsanto ever appease Roundup-hating fanatжcs and jackpot-justice plaintiff-attorneys ?!?!
No !
These fanatжcs, and attorneys will never be appeased and their environmental-terrжr against Bayer⁄Monsanto will never end !
Bayer, which acquired Monsanto, faces hostile Roundup-hating lunatжc-doctrines that are fanatжcal in character, ruthless in purpose, and subversive in method.
In the 9|11 era of environmental-terrжr … fanatжcal enviro-terrжrist conspiracies have now spread against the hated agriculture and its use of Roundup.
Because of Roundup-cancer litigations & kangaroo-trials, Bayer’s share price has dropped significantly.
Investors are concerned about the liability in the thousands of other upcoming cases of frivolous litigation.
Bayer will strike back against Roundup-hating fanatжcs, as well as jackpot-justice plaintiff-attorneys !
Bayer will also strike back by seeking to repair its reputation, and to somehow appease some fanatжcs, by announcing that it would invest 5,600,000,000 dollars US in R&D research.
With this R&D investment, Bayer will aim at better understanding of how pesticide resistance develops, discovering new pesticides, and devising more precise application methods.
Observers have commented that Bayer is diverting R&D research from solving more pressing problems, such as, developing cures for cancer or controlling disease-carrying vermin in the tropics.
The cost to society for this attempted-appeasement will likely be more suffering in the world than there would otherwise have been.
Explore the following links …
√ — Questions About Glyphosate & Cancer — LINK
√ — Bayer Invests 5,600,000,000 Dollars US To Repair Its Reputation On Glyphosate — LINK
√ — The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul K Driessen — LINK
Terrжr NEVER Ends With Kangaroo-Trials In California That Attack The Roundup Manufacturer
California Lawsuits :
Frivolous Lawsuits Against Scientific Innovation Are Just Another Form Of Socialism
June 18th, 2019
The Federalist
Author : Jeff Stier
Senior Fellow at the Consumer Choice Center & at the Taxpayers Protection Alliance, & a policy advisor to the Heartland Institute.
Re : Pilliod V Monsanto
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
References –
Frivolous Lawsuits Against Scientific Innovation Are Just Another Form Of Socialism
Glyphosate-Gate — IARC’S Scientific Fraud — Lies, Scientific Fraud, Pays-Off, Bribery, & Conspiracy
California Lawsuits — Questions Bayer’s Defense Attorneys
Pesticide-Hating Doctrine & Science-Hating Fanatжcism
Terrжr NEVER Ends With Kangaroo-Trials In California That Attack The Roundup Manufacturer
Pilliod V Monsanto
$2,055,000,000 ( Reduced To $87,000,000 ) Verdict Against
Monsanto In Alva & Alberta Pilliod ( 2 Plaintiffs ) V Monsanto
Company ― Kangaroo-Trial Judge Winifred Smith ( Judge Ioana
Petrou Replaced ), Judicial Council of California Proceedings,
May 13th, 2019 ― The Verdict Is Under Appeal By Bayer
13,400 Similar Lawsuits Are Pending Nation-Wide Against
Bayer⁄Monsanto In US Courts Without Good Or Valid Evidence
Consider the May 2019 $2,055,000,000 JURY VERDICT against Bayer ( which acquired Monsanto ) for allegations that its Roundup herbicide, made with glyphosate, caused cancer in plaintiffs [ ?!?! ].
This was the third VERDICT for plaintiffs in California in the last year, with more than 13,400 CASES [ of frivolous litigation ] pending nation-wide [ all without good or valid evidence ].
However, there are questions …
Do all of these cases indicate that Roundup actually harms people ?!?! Or, are these cases merely fueled by
agendas against scientific innovation, lunatжc doctrines against pesticides, cherry-picked studies, fake news, false-cancer-claims, fraudulent science, frivolous litigation, & imaginary danger ?!?! Glyphosate will not cause cancer ! It is biologically impossible ! It is a false-cancer-claim !
Roundup Is Not A Carcinogen
Roundup Represents No Risk To Public Health
Yet, the US Environmental Protection Agency, under Democrat and Republican administrations alike, has thoroughly and repeatedly evaluated glyphosate and found that it is NOT A CARCINOGEN and it poses …
NO RISKS TO PUBLIC HEALTH from the current registered uses of glyphosate.
The risk-averse European Food Safety Authority ( EFSA ) similarly DOES NOT classify glyphosate as carcinogenic.
Australian and Canadian regulators reached the same conclusion.
Background Information
Glyphosate Is Vindicated
A small group of fanatжcal-activists alarm & enrage the public in order to advance the subversive conspiracy to prohibit against pest control products such as glyphosate herbicide.
Their politicized-lunatжc-doctrines are also designed to coerce, intimidate, & terrжrize municipal officials into legislating reckless & arbitrary prohibition against glyphosate in the urban landscape & in the agriculture industry.
These fanatжcal-activists’ doctrines are espoused in media reports, public forums, and on-line web-pages.
They do not know what they are talking about !
According to Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency ( PMRA ) ―
Health Canada is confident that the pesticides approved for use in Canada, including lawn and garden products, can be used safely when label directions are followed.
[ See link below. ]
Glyphosate, as well as all pest control products, has been vindicated by Health Canada.
No one should be listening to fanatжcal-activists and their terrжr-talk. [ See links below. ]
√ FACTS regarding glyphosate when it is used properly …
√ FACT — Glyphosate Is Safe, Effective, Economical, & Low-Risk
√ FACT — Glyphosate Will NOT Harm The Health Of People
√ FACT — Glyphosate Will NOT Harm The Health Of Children
√ FACT — Glyphosate Will NOT Cause Cancer
√ FACT — Glyphosate Will NOT Harm The Environment
√ FACT — Glyphosate Will NOT Harm Bees
√ FACT — Glyphosate DOES Belong In The Urban Environment
√ FACT — Glyphosate DOES Belong On Farms
√ FACT — Glyphosate CANNOT Be Effectively Replaced With Alternatives
√ FACT — Glyphosate CANNOT Be Effectively Replaced With Manual Weed Picking
√ FACT — Glyphosate Has Been Re-Approved In Europe
√ FACT — Comparing Cigarettes To Glyphosate Is Pitifully Ridiculous, As Well As Laughably Stupid
√ FACT — Glyphosate Manufacturer Bayer Has Been Repairing Its Reputation
√ FACT — Glyphosate Prohibition Will Lead To Failure
Explore the following links …
√ — Ontario — Because Of Ontario’s Prohibition, The Province Is Living In Environmental Infamy — LINK
√ — TERRЖR-Talk — Fanatжcal Demands For Municipal Prohibition Against Glyphosate — Chilliwack BC — LINK
√ — TERRЖR-Talk — Weasel Words, Green Talk, & Phrases Used By Enviro-Activists — LINK
√ — Federal Pesticide Regulation — Mr Lindsay Hanson From The Pest Management Regulatory Agency — Slide Show — LINK
Terrжr NEVER Ends With Kangaroo-Trials In California That Attack The Roundup Manufacturer
Using Cherry-Picked IARC Report
To Make Bank With Gullible Juries
The IARC’s Report Relied Upon Cherry-Picked
Low-Value Studies & Excluded Relevant Safety Data
IARC’s False-Cancer-Claims Undermined The Safety Findings
Of Every Major Government Evaluation Of Glyphosate
Only One Chemical Is Not Carcinogenic ―
According To IARC’s Ridiculously Flawed Evaluations
― This Proved That IARC Is A Corrupt, Fraudulent,
& Politicized Environmental-Terrжrist Organization
$2,055,000,000 ( Reduced To $87,000,000 ) Verdict Against
Monsanto in Alva & Alberta Pilliod ( 2 Plaintiffs ) V Monsanto
Company ― Kangaroo-Trial Judge Winifred Smith ( Judge Ioana
Petrou Replaced ), Judicial Council of California Proceedings,
May 13th, 2019 ― The Verdict Is Under Appeal By Bayer
6 Per Cent Is The Drop In Bayer’s Share Price On News
Of The Pilliod V Monsanto Verdict ― This Reflected
Investor Concern About Liability In The Thousands
Of Other Upcoming Cases Of Frivolous Litigation
PILLIOD V MONSANTO ― The jackpot-justice plaintiff-attorneys are MAKING BANK on a controversial [ cherry-picked & politicized ] report issued by the [ corrupt & fraudulent ] International Agency For Research On Cancer ( IARC ), an affiliate of the SCANDAL-RIDDEN World Health Organization.
International Agency For Research On Cancer ( IARC ) ― A corrupt & fraudulent anti-glyphosate & environmental-terrжrist organization.
In ALL BUT ONE of its 900 EVALUATIONS, IARC’s flawed methodology led it to identify a chemical ( caprolactam ), as NOT CARCINOGENIC TO HUMANS.
See link below entitled IARC’s Scientific Fraud — Glyphosate-Gate — Lies, Scientific Fraud, Pays-Off, Bribery, & Conspiracy.
[ The corrupt & fraudulent ] IARC’s [ cherry-picked ] conclusion that glyphosate is « probably » carcinogenic to humans was particularly TAINTED.
International Agency For Research On Cancer ( IARC ) ― Peddles in false-cancer-claims. See later segment for more details.
Christopher Portier, a [ corrupt glyphosate-hating ] consultant for jackpot-justice plaintiff-attorneys SUING on behalf of « victims » of Roundup, and a part-time employee of Environmental Defense Fund [ an anti-pesticide & environmental terrжrist organization ], was behind the initiation of International Agency For Research On Cancer’s evaluation glyphosate.
He then served as an « invited specialist » for IARC, despite having NO background in chemical research.
Not surprisingly, IARC relied on CHERRY-PICKED low-value studies and excluded relevant safety data.
The [ cherry-picked & politicized ] IARC-report then became the center-piece of an anti-glyphosate campaign that was led by [ corrupt glyphosate-hating ] Portier in order to UNDERMINE the safety findings of every major government evaluation of the herbicide.
See link below entitled IARC’s Scientific Fraud — Glyphosate-Gate — Lies, Scientific Fraud, Pays-Off, Bribery, & Conspiracy.
The outlier report and the political campaign to leverage it prompted the Executive Director of European Food Safety Authority ( EFSA ), Bernhard Url, to offer dramatic testimony before the European Parliament’s environment committee, LAMBASTING IARC’S POLITICIZED WORK and how far it strayed from EFSA’s transparent peer-reviewed scientific work.
Url pointed out that the activism and the turmoil it caused by undermining legitimate studies suggested we have entered the « Facebook Age Of Science », where you post a report you like « and you count how many people like it. For us this is no way forward ».
In this environment, it is easy to see how a group of [ gullible & ignorant ] jurors, asked to evaluate « conflicting studies », could side with sympathetic plaintiffs over a big chemical company.
I could imagine [ gullible ] jurors in the $2,055,000,000 VERDICT thinking, « I do not really know whether this product caused Alva and Alberta Pilliod’s Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma [ NHL ], but a big verdict in their favor will help them more than it’ll hurt Bayer ».
Bayer’s share price fell 6 PER CENT on news of the verdict, reflecting investor concern about liability in the thousands of other cases.
Background Information
The IARC Glyphosate-Gate
Summary – Bad Science & Corruption
International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) is an anti-glyphosate & environmental-terrжrist organization.
IARC, the ONLY major science body to insist that glyphosate causes cancer [ ?!?! ], has been caught doctoring documents and manipulating evidence to support its conclusion.
IARC conducts bad & fraudulent science.
Occasionally, bad science is promoted by lunatжcs who receive pay-offs and practice scientific fraud.
The motivation seems to be financial.
A key IARC lunatжc-advisor who lobbied against glyphosate has, in essence, received a pay-off of $160,000.
He was bribed by jackpot-justice plaintiff-attorneys who stand to profit from potential lawsuits involving glyphosate.
This is a truly gigantic scandal that has ( predictably ) received scant press coverage.
IARC has severely and perhaps irreparably damaged the reputation of its parent, the World Health Organization ( WHO ).
Anti-glyphosate lunatжcs are crooks and lying sacks of crжp !
Summary – False-Cancer-Claims
International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) has not proven that glyphosate causes cancer.
IARC has NOT classified glyphosate as IARC’s Group 1 – Carcinogenic To Humans.
Additionally, IARC arbitrarily classified the glyphosate as Group 1 on the basis of « limited evidence » of cancer.
Unfortunately, glyphosate-hating fanatжcs have implied that IARC’s « limited evidence » has somehow been withheld from EVERY science-based national regulatory agency in the world.
Nonetheless, IARC has NOT classified glyphosate as Group 1 – Carcinogenic To Humans.
In other words, according to IARC, glyphosate WILL NOT cause cancer !
And we repeat, IARC has NOT classified glyphosate as Group 1 – Carcinogenic To Humans.
Glyphosate will not cause cancer !
The false-cancer-claims by the glyphosate-hating International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) are secretive, sloppy, bungled ― and perhaps even systematically and deliberately fraudulent.
Any of IARC’s false-cancer-claims against glyphosate are ― • such an outlier • so beneath scientific norms • so tainted by conflicts-of-interest and misconduct • so unrelated to actual chemical risks, and • so deceptive and border-line fraudulent.
These claims should never be admitted as evidence in any trial.
According to US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ), German Federal Institute For Risk Assessment, Health Canada, and every other science-based national regulatory agency in the world, the weight of evidence is against carcinogenicity.
In other words, according to these agencies, glyphosate will not cause cancer.
The IARC hazard report did not indicate the risk of getting cancer.
On the other hand, national regulatory agencies, like US EPA and Health Canada, do evaluate risks.
IARC merely looked at what is called hazard, and not risk.
IARC did not take into consideration how much of, or how commonly, a risk glyphosate poses in the real world.
IARC failed to provide any new research concerning glyphosate.
If the IARC hazard report against glyphosate was truly valid, then why hasn’t WHO itself demand more government regulation ?!?!
Why should national regulatory agencies listen to IARC when it continues to be ignored by World Health Organization ( WHO ) ?!?!
Why ?!?!
Because, glyphosate will not cause harm and will not cause cancer !
The World Health Organization ( WHO ) and the Food & Agriculture Organization ( FAO ), both agencies of the United Nations, have stated that glyphosate is unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans.
On May 16th, 2016, the World Health Organization ( WHO ) and the Food and Agriculture Organization ( FAO ), both agencies of the United Nations, stated that … « glyphosate is unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans ».
The United Nations announced its assessment that glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer in people and that it is unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans exposed to it through food !
The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization ( FAO ) and World Health Organization ( WHO ) looked at all pertinent published and un-published studies to assess the health risk to consumers from dietary exposure to glyphosate residues in food.
Glyphosate will not cause cancer !
Explore the following links …
√ — Glyphosate-Gate — LINK
√ — Glyphosate Herbicide WILL NOT Cause Cancer — Why Do National Government Regulators In America, Germany, & Canada Conclude That It Is Safe While Only World Health Organization ( WHO a.k.a. IARC ) Claims It MAY Cause Cancer — LINK
√ — Precautionary Principle — Pesticides & Cancer — Conflation Of Advocacy With Science — How Activism Distorts The Assessment Of Health Risks — False Positives In Epidemiology — International Agency For Research On Cancer ( IARC ) — Dr Geoffrey C Kabat — LINK
√ — Expert Reaction To Carcinogenicity Classification Of Five Pesticides By The International Agency For Research On Cancer ( IARC ) — LINK
√ — United Nations Has Discredited The IARC Anti-Glyphosate Hazard Report — LINK
√ — Conspiracy Against Glyphosate – Victories Against Anti-Glyphosate Terrжrism — LINK
Terrжr NEVER Ends With Kangaroo-Trials In California That Attack The Roundup Manufacturer
False & Frivolous Lawsuits Are Attacking Innovative Products Like Roundup
Attacking & Prohibiting Innovative Products, Like
Roundup, Will Damage & Destroy Agricultural Food
Production, Resulting In Human Starvations & Deaths
Put aside the cost to a typical investor’s retirement account and consider the costs to society in a world where INNOVATIVE scientists have to answer the following questions from potential investors …
Let’s say your product actually does the wonderful things you are developing it to do.
Let’s also say that regulators around the world repeatedly vouch for the safety of its proper use.
• What’s to stop plaintiffs from ginning up enough high-dose animal studies to get IARC to study it, leading to an almost certain cancer warning ?!?!
International Agency For Research On Cancer ( IARC ) ― A corrupt, fraudulent, & politicized anti-glyphosate & environmental-terrжrist organization.
• What’s to stop those jackpot-justice plaintiff-attorneys from using that report to canvas for cancer patients who used the product ?!?!
• Won’t this be another glyphosate ?!?!
There are NO good answers to these questions.
However, there is one TRUE fact … Undermining and prohibiting innovative products, like glyphosate, will damage and destroy food production, resulting in human starvations and even deaths.
These types of cases represent A SERIOUS ATTACK ON PROGRESS.
We are all beneficiaries of technology.
Whether it is lower-cost food and reduced soil erosion because of glyphosate, or critical components of computers, cell phones, and aircraft, INNOVATION MAKES LIFE BETTER FOR EVERYONE.
That’s why they are so widely used.
Sadly, if not ironically, it is also why enterprising jackpot-justice plaintiff-attorneys are seeking to capitalize on sympathy towards SOCIALISM, both abroad at [ the corrupt, fraudulent, & politicized ] IARC, and at home in the jury pool.
For them, it is a solid investment.
Do not look to Congress to fix the problem anytime soon.
Terrжr NEVER Ends With Kangaroo-Trials In California That Attack The Roundup Manufacturer
Educating The Population
« The Frank R Lautenberg Chemical Safety For The 21st Century Act », passed in 2016, made it clear that the legislation would NOT pre-empt TOXIC TORT LITIGATION.
TOXIC TORT LITIGATION ― A specific type of personal injury lawsuit in which the plaintiff claims that exposure to a chemical, or dangerous substance, has caused the plaintiff’s injury or disease.
The best we can hope for is a MORE SCIENTIFICALLY LITERATE POPULACE who, as [ gullible & ignorant ] jurors, are less likely to be DUPED by those who game the system.
We should also be cautious about what we share on social media.
As Smokey Bear said, « Only YOU Can Stop Forest Fires ».
And only YOU can tamp down the « Facebook Age Of Science ».
Terrжr NEVER Ends With Kangaroo-Trials In California That Attack The Roundup Manufacturer
Sliding Towards Socialism
Frivolous Lawsuits Against Scientific Innovation
Are Just Another Form Of Socialism
In America, The Slide Towards Socialism Is Taking Root
Not Only At The Ballot Box, But Also From The Jury Box
Left-Wing Glyphosate-Hating Fanatжcs Conspire To
Impose Socialism Through Agendas Against Scientific
Innovation, Lunatжc Doctrines Against Pesticides,
Cherry-Picked Studies, Fake News, False-Cancer-Claims,
Fraudulent Science, Frivolous Litigation, & Imaginary Danger
Jackpot-Justice Plaintiff-Attorneys Are Having Wild Success
In Their Campaign To Redistribute Wealth From Innovative
Companies, Like Bayer⁄Monsanto, To Sympathetic Clients ―
All While Taking A Healthy Cut For Themselves
51 Per Cent Of Americans Think Socialism
Would Be A Bad Thing For The Country
At a time when nearly half of Americans do not seem to understand the threat of CREEPING SOCIALISM, it is time for those of us who do to be on guard on all fronts.
Only 51 PER CENT of Americans think SOCIALISM would be a bad thing for the country, according to a Gallup poll released in May 2019.
Although the 2020 election will be a big test for whether SOCIALISM gains a foot-hold, freedom-lovers should be worried more broadly than at the polls.
The SLIDE TOWARDS SOCIALISM is taking root not only at the BALLOT BOX, but also from the JURY BOX.
Terrжr NEVER Ends With Kangaroo-Trials In California That Attack The Roundup Manufacturer
Discouraging Investment
Unjustified & Outsized Verdicts Harm
Society By Discouraging Investment In
Innovative Products Like Roundup
$1,100,000 Each Year Is The Cost Of Frivolous
Lawsuits For The Average Defendant, Mostly Highly
Innovative Businesses ― According To An Examination
Of 40,000 Lawsuits Filed Between 1996 & 2011
Researchers at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and Tilburg University recently aggregated data from more than 40,000 LAWSUITS filed between 1996 and 2011, and found that « FRIVOLOUS LAWSUITS TENDED TO FOCUS ON HIGHLY INNOVATIVE BUSINESSES », costing the average defendants $1,100,000 EACH YEAR.
They found that the cases were, in effect, a disproportionate tax on INNOVATION.
Background Information
Johnson V Monsanto Company
$289.2 Million ( Reduced To $78.5 Million ) Jackpot Verdict
The First Roundup Kangaroo-Trial In California
Does Glyphosate Really Harm People ?!?!
Summary – Biologically Impossible
In California, a plaintiff alleged that his cancer was due to exposure to glyphosate, even though that is biologically impossible.
During the kangaroo-trial, the plaintiff’s team of attorneys manipulated the jury’s emotions by using fake-news & false-cancer-claims about glyphosate in order to score a $289,999,000 jackpot verdict. [ See link below. ]
The credibility of one of these attorneys have now been put into serious question, with accusations of extortion and shaking down companies. [ See section below. ]
Their legal argument trumped scientific evidence and fooled a jury into believing that glyphosate causes harm with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma ― which is false.
Even the judge acknowledged that there was no evidence of harm.
The reason that the jackpot-justice plaintiff-attorneys’ legal arguments can trump scientific evidence is because we live in a thoroughly post-modern world.
Logic and data have been replaced by emotion and virtue signaling.
The glyphosate-cancer trials have been textbook cases of kangaroo court justice.
With these kangaroo-trials, the legal system will be irretrievably-corrupted by this coordinated, well-funded attack by fanatжcs, using glyphosate-cancer litigation, as well as social media, intimidation, and confrontation.
The false-claim that glyphosate is carcinogenic should never be admitted as evidence in any trial.
We must keep fraudulent science out of our courtrooms !
Summary – Vindication
According to the scientific evidence, and because it is an herbicide, glyphosate is only toxic to plants.
There is no known biological mechanism by which glyphosate could cause cancer, therefore its carcinogenicity is not even theoretically possible.
America will not remain #1 in the world for scientific research if society allows jackpot-justice plaintiff-attorneys to bleed companies dry over crimes they never committed.
World-wide, national regulatory agencies and leading experts have been siding with the overwhelming scientific evidence demonstrating that glyphosate will not cause cancer ― there is no bio-medical and no epidemiological evidence to support the claim that glyphosate causes cancer.
Do pesticides like glyphosate harm people ?!?!
NO !
Pesticides like glyphosate have been vindicated. [ See links below. ]
Pesticides like glyphosate must not be banned.
What about pesticide bans ?!?!
Do pesticide bans kill people ?!?!
A man has died because of prohibition. [ See next segment. ]
Summary – Attorney Charged With Extortion
A jackpot-justice plaintiff-attorney, Timothy Litzeburg, has been charged by federal prosecutors with extortion.
Litzeburg worked for the Virginia-based Miller Firm, that represented the plaintiff in the first lawsuit against glyphosate, Johnson V Monsanto Company.
Litzenburg was part of the team of attorneys who successfully convinced a California jury that the plaintiff’s cancer was somehow caused by Roundup. [ ?!?! ]
Litzenburg has been accused of plotting to extort a $5,000,000 settlement, in addition to $200 million in consulting fees paid to him and his two partners from Amsterdam-based chemicals maker Nouryon, in exchange for the attorneys making a liability lawsuit go away.
If successful, Litzenburg would have been able to shift litigation to focus on chemical suppliers who provide materials to produce herbicides, such as glyphosate.
Despite his claims that Litzenburg states that he enjoys holding uncaring companies accountable for the reckless products they release that can leave consumers vulnerable, in reality he and his associates are con artists attempting to shake down companies, like Bayer⁄Monsanto and Nouryon, in order to achieve financial gain.
Glyphosate and other herbicides and pesticides are used to kill insects in order to help farmers and agriculture companies defend their crops.
Undermining and prohibiting innovative products, like glyphosate, will damage and destroy food production, resulting in human starvations and even deaths.
If they can’t win electorally, the left-wing glyphosate-hating fanatжcs conspire to impose socialism through frivolous litigation.
The end result of Litzenburg’s alleged corruption is something considered very desirable by environmentalists.
Explore the following links …
√ — Conspiracy Against Glyphosate — $289M Jackpot Verdict That Defies Science — LINK
√ — California Lawsuits — Roundup Litigation Attorney Charged With Extortion — LINK
√ — Vindication — US EPA — Glyphosate Does Not Cause Cancer, Again — LINK
√ — Vindication — US EPA — Panel Finds Glyphosate Will Not Cause Cancer — LINK
√ — Vindication — US National Cancer Institute — Glyphosate Will Not Cause Cancer — LINK
√ — Lying Sacks Of Crжp — The IARC Glyphosate-Gate — LINK
√ — Vindication — Canada — Glyphosate Granted Continued Registration — LINK
√ — Vindication — Canada — Glyphosate Re-Evaluation Decision — LINK
√ — Vindication — Canada — Frequently-Asked Questions On Glyphosate — LINK
√ — Vindication — Canada — Pesticide Incidents, Including Glyphosate — LINK
√ — Vindication — European Union — Glyphosate Wins Approval For 5 Years — LINK
√ — Vindication — European Union — Glyphosate Not Carcinogenic — LINK
√ — Vindication — European Union — Glyphosate License Extended For 18 Months — LINK
√ — Vindication — European Food Safety Authority — Glyphosate Not Likely Carcinogenic — LINK
√ — Vindication — United Nations — Experts Find Glyphosate Unlikely To Cause Cancer — LINK
√ — Vindication — US EPA — No Risk To Public Health With Glyphosate — LINK
Background Information
Man Dies Because Of Prohibition
The government of Ontario has imposed its Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act, which is considered as the most extreme ban ever. [ See link below. ]
The ban is not only hugely unpopular with Ontario home-owners, it has also proven to be fatal.
An Ontario resident did not realize that hand-weeding a toxic noxious weed on his property would contribute to his death. [ See links below. ]
This Ontario resident was ultimately doomed by Ontario’s Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act since the safest and most effective method of controlling toxic noxious weeds was arbitrarily and needlessly prohibited by the province.
Skin contact with this toxic noxious weed resulted in severe burns to his hands and arms, eventually forcing him to be hospitalized ― ultimately, he died.
Unfortunately, since the government imposed its Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act, the death was Ontario’s fault !
The hands of the prohibition merchants of death are soaked in blood.
Explore the following links …
√ — Man Dies Because Of Prohibition In Ontario — LINKS
Background Information
The Entire Media History
Of Glyphosate
Explore the following web-pages …
√ — Glyphosate — Victories Against Anti-Glyphosate Terrжrism — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — The Library Of References — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — The Library Of Reports & Blogs — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — The Library Of Blogs — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — Scientifically-Safe According To Real Experts — LINK
Explore even more links …
√ — Glyphosate — The Library Of Glyphosate References — LINK
√ — Glyphosate-Gate — Lunatжc-Liars Blair & Portier — Lies, Scientific Fraud, Pays-Off, Bribery, & Conspiracy — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — Fanatжcal Demands For Municipal Prohibition — Comments By TERRЖR-Talkers — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — $289M Jackpot Verdict That Defies Science — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — Deranged Lies About School Shootings & Glyphosate — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — Vindicated By The European Union — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — Victories Against Anti-Pesticide Terrжrism — LINK
Explore Terrжr NEVER Ends …
√ — Pesticide-Hating Doctrine & Science-Hating Fanatжcism — LINK
We Speak The Whole Truth About Roundup
From An Independent Perspective
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged Roundup-hating fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths. https://wp.me/p1jq40-8DV
Not surprisingly, enviro-fanatжcs have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brain-child of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We dare to defy the Roundup-hating fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/ If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G