Overview From An Independent Perspective
Activist-Superintendents Betray The Golf Industry
They Lie & Lie & Lie & Lie ― They Never Stop
The Sunshine Coast is a region of the southern mainland coast of British Columbia, and just northwest of Greater Vancouver.
The Sunshine Coast Region includes three commercial golf facilities ― Blue Ocean Golf Club, Pender Harbour Golf Club, and Sunshine Coast Golf and Country Club.
Universally, golf course superintendent are professionals who are paid to take care of golf courses ― they manage the budgets, man-power, materials, and schedules needed to properly maintain high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics for paying golfers.
Superintendents constantly monitor the health of turfgrasses through careful observation, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases, insects, weeds, and abiotic disorders.
Their skilled management of turfgrass pests is accomplished by the proper use of conventional pest control products.
The Sunshine Coast Region includes three commercial golf facilities that are infested with « activist-superintendents », and even « activist-general-managers ».
These types of activists represent the GREATEST THREATS to the golf industry today.
After decades of benefiting from the golf industry’s pesticide ban exception status, activist-superintendents have ridiculously decided to self-impose their own pesticide ban.
Observers are aghast that activist-superintendents are invalidating the pesticide ban exception status that allowed the golf industry to avoid being subjected to anti-pesticide prohibition for a generation, thanks to the unbelievable lobbying by Mr William H Gathercole in the 1990s.
Ostensibly, some of these activists began reducing pesticide use during the 2009 Financial Depression under the false-pretext of protecting the environment ― in fact, they were acting on the basis of an economic crisis.
Furthermore, they needlessly alarm and enrage the public by spreading inaccurate pesticide-hating propaganda.
They adopt the false doctrine that the use of conventional pesticides is a harmful practice.
More precisely, activist-superintendents LIE about pesticides.
They LIE and LIE and LIE and LIE ― they never stop.
In fact, they know nothing about pesticides, and they can only resort to fraudulent lies, myths, and mis-information.
And, they will say ANYTHING in order to get fame and attention.
They revel in espousing politically-correct environmental-rubbish.
For example, activist-superintendents unverifiably allege that they arbitrarily cut conventional pesticide use on their golf courses ― this is NOT what they are paid to do.
They recklessly and arbitrarily cut conventional pesticides that are desperately needed on their golf courses.
In fact, these activists are the REAL threat, and NOT pesticides.
They betray ALL golf course superintendents, and their acts of subversion will inevitably DESTROY the golf industry.
These activists simply DO NOT deserve to work in the golf industry that they betray.
Golf course superintendents ( and general-managers ) are NOT paid to be activists ― they are paid to satisfy paying golfers with high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics.
Explore the following link …
More Lying Sacks Of Crжp
February 22nd, 2018
Coast Reporter
Sunshine Coast Region, British Columbia
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Lying Sacks Of Crжp – Fanatжcs At Coast Reporter
Pesticide-Hating Propaganda
This article by Coast Reporter represents pesticide-hating propaganda that is simply designed to alarm and enrage the public, and that attempts to validate the lie and the myth that conventional pest control products are somehow harmful to golfers and to the environment.
The article by Coast Reporter also serves as a conduit for « activist-superintendents » who know nothing about pest control products, and who can only resort to fraudulent lies, myths, and mis-information when responding to journalists.
Not only are commercial golf facilities located on the Sunshine Coast Region embroiled in this conspiracy, but also those in the nearby District of Saanich. [ See next segment. ]
They all LIE about pesticides.
According to Coast Reporter ―
… pesticides used on the courses are TOXIC. [ ?!?! ]
For example, a Danish study found that azoxystrobin, an active ingredient in the fungicide called Heritage Maxx Fungicide, which is used on all Sunshine Coast courses, were found to leach through loamy soils.
It is harmful to aquatic organisms.
[ No silly Danish study is needed since the Health-Canada-approved label provides direction for the safe use of Heritage Maxx Fungicide. According to the label directions, Heritage is indeed toxic to aquatic organisms and non-target terrestrial plants. It can be used safely if buffer zones are observed. To reduce run-off from treated areas into aquatic habitats avoid application to areas with a moderate to steep slope, compacted soil, or clay. Fanatжcs at Coast Reporter are lying sacks of crжp. ]
Should we trust pesticide-hating fanatжcs at Coast Reporter who conveniently ignore overwhelming scientific evidence, and who attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
These fanatжcs represent a GREAT THREAT to the golf industry today.
Explore the following link …
Activist Golf Officials In Saanich
Lying Sacks Of Crжp
Use Of Pesticides In British Columbia
Some Golf Course Superintendents Have Metamorphosed
Into Pesticide-Hating Activists As A Result Of Their Ordeals
With Provincial Officials & Their Government Policies
Government policies are also changing course.
A 2010 provincial report says agriculture accounts for 87 per cent of pesticide sales, and golf courses, turf and landscaping account for 5 per cent. [ ?!?! ]
[ See the next segment for background information. ]
Since July 1st, 2016, all golf clubs in the province must submit their annual pesticide use to the BC Ministry of Environment as part of an amendment to Integrated Pest Management, a provincial program that regulates the sale and use of pesticides.
Courses also must obtain a Pesticide User’s Licence to apply pesticides legally.
As part of these changes, the ministry inspectors began monitoring British Columbia golf courses in 2017.
Golf facilities on the Sunshine Coast were the first to be audited, which involves an inspection of the new requirements under the IPM regulation and a questionnaire about the course itself.
Since 2017 was the first full year that courses were required to submit data to the ministry, a summary report listing averages across golf courses has not been published, and the audit reports will not be complete until late 2018.
According to Ken Langdon, activist-general-manager at Blue Ocean Golf Club ―
The Ministry of Environment was here in August [ 2017 ] to go over our storage and historical use, record keeping and regulatory checks that need to be used to properly manage your pesticide program, in terms of how it’s stored, locked up, ventilated, cleaned, and labeled, so checkmarks across the board.
[ As a result of their ordeals with government officials, activist-superintendents and activist-managers on the Sunshine Coast have been espousing their politically-correct environmental rubbish. ]
Background Information
Use Of Pesticides By The Golf Industry
The Golf Industry Use 6 Per Cent Of All Pest Control
Products, & Must Plan For The Inevitable & Total
Revocation Of Its Pesticide Ban Exception Status
Overall, the golf industry has enjoyed the benefits from a pesticide ban exception status despite the fact that it uses the very same ingredients employed by professional lawn care businesses, as well as by home-owners and farmers.
Moreover, it has been proven that golf facilities use 6 PER CENT of all pest control products in provinces like Manitoba.
Some observers have commented that if golf facilities account for 6 per cent of all use, and feel they deserve an exception status, it should be pointed out that lawn care only accounts for 0.00000001 per cent, and therefore is far more deserving of an exception status than they are.
The golf industry must plan for the inevitable and total revocation of its pesticide ban exception status in most jurisdictions across the nation.
This catastrophe is becoming INCREASINGLY PROBABLE on a large scale.
Nonetheless, it must not be forgotten that pest control products are SCIENTIFICALLY-SAFE, and WILL NOT CAUSE HARM TO PEOPLE, ANIMALS, OR THE ENVIRONMENT. http://wp.me/p1jq40-7HR http://wp.me/P1jq40-2ha http://wp.me/p1jq40-5ni
Should we trust pesticide-hating fanatжcs who conveniently ignore overwhelming scientific evidence, and who attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
They represent the GREATEST THREATS to the golf industry today.
Explore the following links …
Golf Uses Six Per Cent Of All
Pesticides Used In Manitoba
Lying Sacks Of Crжp – Activist-Superintendents
Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club
Massively High Applications Of Organic
Pesticides Used For No Credible Reason
This is a semi-private 18-hole golf facility located in Roberts Creek ⁄ Gibsons, British Columbia, which is part of the Sunshine Coast Region.
According to the BC Ministry of Environment ―
In 2017, Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club USED MORE pest control products than all other golf facilities in the region [ combined ] ― [ ?!?! ]
• Pender Harbour Golf Club used a total of 4.10 kilograms of pesticide active ingredient on its 9-hole golf course.
• Blue Ocean Golf Club used 60.74 kilograms on its 18-hole golf course.
• Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club used a MASSIVE 142.30 kilograms on its 18-hole golf course.
Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club still appears to use DISPROPORTIONATELY MASSIVE APPLICATIONS of pest control products, when compared to other nearby facilities.
Furthermore, each golf facility alleges that it only treats putting greens. [ ?!?! ]
[ What about weed control on fairways and rough ?!?! ]
According to Nathan Wade, activist-superintendent at Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club ―
He used MASSIVELY HIGH APPLICATIONS OF PESTICIDES, more than both other courses [ combined ] because …
• His 18 putting greens are three times the size of Pender Harbour’s 9 greens. [ ?!?! ]
• His golf course exists in some kind of unfavorable micro-climate. [ ?!?! ]
• He uses some so-called ORGANIC PRODUCTS, which must be applied at HIGHER VOLUMES. [ ?!?! ]
According to Wade ―
I have dozens of acres of native forest, slough, flowering native shrubs and I have 1.3 ACRES THAT ARE GREENS.
[ This means that the average size of each of his putting greens is just over 3000 square feet. Interestingly, the golf industry average is 5000 to 5500 square feet. ]
And yet, Wade has also alleged ―
Pesticides are RARELY USED on the 150-acre Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club. [ ?!?! ]
The putting greens are where pesticides are used. [ ?!?! ]
Furthermore, Wade has stated that ―
He has applied some ORGANIC PRODUCTS as well, such as Civitas, which he said partially accounts for the MASSIVELY HIGH APPLICATIONS OF PESTICIDES used compared to the OTHER COURSES. [ ?!?! ]
[ See later segment for background information. ]
Explore the following link …
Municipal Prohibition Failures In Gibsons,
British Columbia & Other Municipalities
Background Information
Inferior Green Alternative Pesticides
Green Alternative Pesticides, Like Civitas, Are Not
Organic, But They Are Inferior, Ineffective, & Require
Massively High Repeat Applications Since They
Suppress, & Do Not Control, Damaging Pests Of Turf
The activist-superintendent at Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club is a lying sack of crжp !
Civitas is NOT a so-called ORGANIC product !
At best, it may be considered as an ecological product.
The activist-superintendent at Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club publicly exploits the term ORGANIC as a means of persuading everyone that his maintenance practices are somehow safer than the rest of the industry. [ ?!?! ]
His use of the term ORGANIC also implies that conventional non-organic products are less safe ― which is FALSE !
Any use of the term ORGANIC is extremely harmful to the golf industry.
It is pesticide-hating propaganda that is simply designed to alarm and enrage the public, and that attempts to validate the lie and the myth that conventional pest control products are somehow harmful to the environment.
The activist-superintendent at Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club complains of his MASSIVELY HIGH APPLICATIONS of inferior green alternative pesticides, such as Civitas.
This is not surprising !
This is a classic example of INFERIOR green alternative pesticides that are INEFFECTIVE and require MASSIVELY HIGH REPEAT APPLICATIONS since they SUPPRESS, and DO NOT CONTROL, damaging pests of turf.
According to Health Canada ―
Civitas Fungicide for Golf Course Turf is a non-conventional fungicide that SUPPRESSES diseases on golf course turf.
[ It may ] control dollar spot and SUPPRESS spring leaf spot and pink and grey snow mould [ sic ] on golf courses, including fairways, greens, roughs, and tees.
Nonetheless, for some unfathomable reason, the activist-superintendent at Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club has decided to use Civitas, a fungicide that merely SUPPRESSES Microdochium Patch.
Microdochium Patch ( a.k.a. Pink Snow Mold or Fusarium Patch ) is the MOST PREVALENT DISEASE of golf course turf on the Sunshine Coast. https://wp.me/P1jq40-9tV
The term SUPPRESSION means …
• The product will control NO MORE THAN FIFTY TO SIXTY-FIVE PER CENT of the damaging pest population, which is NOT ACCEPTABLE.
Inferior green alternative pesticides, like Civitas, are NOT viable, NOT efficacious, and NOT economical, and CANNOT replace conventional disease control products.
Interestingly, according to the manufacturer, Civitas is a disease control product that is supposed to require LESS INPUT and NOT MASSIVELY HIGH APPLICATIONS ―
Civitas is professional turf protection that uses FEWER INPUTS to create unparalleled turf conditions.
With Civitas, turf managers cultivate more desirable turf using active ingredients MORE EFFICIENTLY.
Nonetheless, the activist-superintendent at Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club is under the MISTAKEN IMPRESSION that there exists a vast array of biological-natural-ecological products for CONTROLLING Microdochium Patch.
He is WRONG ! There are NONE !
Under the best of conditions, these products DO NOT provide acceptable control to properly maintain high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics for paying golfers.
Observers are dismayed that the activist-superintendent at Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club adopts and spreads pesticide lies and myths that are anti-golf-industry.
He seems to prefer espousing politically-correct environmental-rubbish rather than properly maintain high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics for paying golfers.
Explore the following links …
Civitas — Label — Highlighted
Civitas — An Introduction To Lawncare
& Agriculture Products — Page 11
Civitas — Health Canada Registration
Decision — Highlighted
Lying Sacks Of Crжp – Activist-Superintendents
Blue Ocean Golf Club – Part 1
Activist-Superintendents Have Arbitrarily
Shifted Away From Mass Applications Of
Fertilizer & Pesticides, & Deny That These
Products Are Used For Cosmetic Purposes
This is a semi-private 18-hole golf facility located in Sechelt, British Columbia, which is part of the Sunshine Coast Region.
According to Tristan Tuplin and other local activist-superintendents ―
Their « greens-keeping » maintenance practices represent a SHIFT AWAY FROM MASS APPLICATIONS [ ?!?! ] of fertilizer and pesticides, which they say began in 2009 after the financial crisis [ a.k.a. the 2009 Depression ].
Nonetheless, disease is apparent on the green, with little spots of yellow-brown grass that dot the front of the putting green at Blue Ocean Golf Club’s seventh hole in Sechelt.
It’s FUSARIUM, the most costly disease for golf facilities on the Sunshine Coast in British Columbia, and Tristan Tuplin, Blue Ocean’s activist-superintendent, wants to show it off.
[ Fusarium Patch ( a.k.a. Microdochium Patch or Pink Snow Mold ) is the MOST PREVALENT DISEASE of golf course turf on the Sunshine Coast. https://wp.me/P1jq40-9tV ]
According to Tuplin ―
When we’re applying pesticide, we’re applying it for the turf, NOT FOR THE COSMETICS. [ ?!?! ]
[ See the next segments for background information. ]
Background Information
The 2009 Financial Depression
Activist-Superintendents Pretend That The 2009 Financial
Depression Was Not The Reason For Reducing The Use
Of Pest Control Products & Fertilizers ― They Prefer
Adhering To The False-Narrative That Reduction Were
Somehow Necessary For Protecting The Environment
The activist-superintendent at Blue Ocean Golf Club is a lying sack of crжp !
According to Tuplin’s own statement ―
Sunshine Coast golf facilities began « reducing the MASS APPLICATION » of pest control products and fertilizers in 2009.
Tuplin unverifiably alleges that he has arbitrarily cut pesticide ( fertilizer ) use since 2009.
He adopted the false doctrine that the use of pesticides ( and fertilizers ) is somehow a harmful practice a decade ago.
Really ?!?!
In 2009. golf facilities reduced the use of pest control products and fertilizers, NOT under the false-pretext of protecting the environment, but because of the 2009 Financial Depression.
However, a decade later, he continues to recklessly and arbitrarily cut pesticides and fertilizers that are desperately needed on his golf course.
In fact, the 2009 Depression presented an opportunity for pro-active superintendents to respond to the circumstances by properly maintaining high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics for paying golfers, at a reduced maintenance cost.
Allegations of protecting the environment were false-pretexts only.
Background Information
Facts About The 2009 Financial Depression
Here are the REAL facts about the 2009 Financial Depression, with the operational adjustments that were recommended ―
The 2009 Depression had created a situation where consumers are watching their wealth being eroded.
The value of homes dropped and pension savings were decimated.
Consumers feared for their jobs with the rise in lay-offs and unemployment.
In the golf industry, consumer spending for golf may have dropped by as much as twenty-five per cent.
Along with reduced player traffic, club management was encouraged to drastically reduce green fees in order to attract more players.
Additionally, the golf course maintenance budget would also be drastically trimmed as well, perhaps by as much as twenty-five per cent, or more.
This represented the single greatest maintenance expenditure ( and NOT pest control products and fertilizers ).
Temporary salary cuts, and/or reduced crew numbers, needed to be considered.
Over-time wages needed to be entirely eliminated.
Employees also needed to be motivated to increase productivity, and also encouraged to perform flawlessly.
Here were some ideas that further reduced the cost of maintenance.
Increasing all mowing heights.
Decreasing the frequency of cut, especially on fairways and rough.
Reducing the surface area of fairways.
This represented the largest material expenditure for a golf course.
High nitrogen products should have been selected because they were more economical on a « per acre » basis.
The total seasonal amounts of nitrogen should not have been reduced for greens and tees.
Lower nitrogen for fairways may need to be considered due to the large area involved.
The use of phosphorus, potassium, and secondary elements could have been reduced, or temporarily eliminated, without necessarily harming turf, but soil conditions would have needed to be monitored more closely with more frequent testing.
The cost of disease control programs could have been effectively minimized when fungicides were applied exclusively on a preventive basis.
When used on a curative basis, a higher fungicide rate would have been needed for the adequate control of disease.
Effective curative programs were comparatively more expensive.
Besides, most fungicides have always been designed for preventive use only.
For those clubs that had to pay for their water, it may have been time to cut back on irrigation frequency and quantities.
How to save on water ?!?!
Up to fifty per cent of watering could have been reduced with the use of wetting agents, such as Primer.
Old equipment with high repair costs should have been immediately replaced with brand new units, with extended warranties and on a lease basis.
Background Information
Cosmetic Golf Course Maintenance
The activist-superintendent at Blue Ocean Golf Club lives in total denial !
Trying to debate whether golf course maintenance is COSMETIC, or not, is pointless … the fact of the matter is that pesticide use IS ultimately COSMETIC.
Besides, challenging the term COSMETIC would have been easy a decade ago.
In 1999, the golf industry and its failed trade associations DID NOTHING to challenge the term COSMETIC ― it’s too late now.
[ See later section. ]
However, observers would argue AGAINST the idea that this pesticide use is NON-ESSENTIAL.
The activist-superintendent at Blue Ocean Golf Club is wasting time in his responses trying to fight COSMETIC.
Besides, the mantra for the golf industry is …
• properly maintaining high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics for paying golfers.
• which means THICKER, GREENER, and PEST-FREE playing surfaces.
• which pretty much amounts to COSMETIC GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE.
Here are the REAL facts about the use of the term COSMETIC ―
The earliest use of the term COSMETIC appears to be in 1999, when a Lunatжc Liberal Member of Parliament ( MP ), Marlene Jennings, tried, FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, to pass a NATIONAL PESTICIDE BAN ( a.k.a. MORATORIUM ).
Lunatжc Liberal MP Marlene Jennings introduced a private members bill, C-388, in the House of Commons on December 1st, 1999, entitled « An Act To Prohibit The Use Of Chemical Pesticides For NON-ESSENTIAL Purposes ».
It called for …
… a MORATORIUM [ i.e. PROHIBITION ] on COSMETIC use of chemical pesticides in the home and garden and on recreational facilities such as parks and GOLF COURSES until scientific evidence that shows such use is safe has been presented to Parliament and concurred in by a parliamentary committee.
Lunatжc Jennings’ private members bill was THE FIRST ATTEMPT to put the PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE into immediate action in the case of COSMETIC and NON-ESSENTIAL pesticide use.
Better safe than sorry ?!?!
Really ?!?!
The sacred so-called PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE is also known as the DO-NOTHING PRINCIPLE.
Those that do nothing need not worry about ever taking a risk or ever making a mistake.
The PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE was intended for use where science DOES NOT EXIST.
Unfortunately, the PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE is MIS-USED TO SERVE THE AMBITIONS of environmental & anti-pesticide fanatжcs. http://wp.me/P1jq40-2qM
The golf industry and its failed trade associations DID NOTHING to try and stop this Lunatжc Jennings in 1999, at which time it could have challenged the term COSMETIC.
It’s too late now.
Even Health Canada now uses the term COSMETIC in its documents.
Lunatжc Jennings — Moratorium On COSMETIC Use Of Chemical Pesticides ( Reference )
Lunatжc Jennings — Act To Prohibit Pesticides For NON-ESSENTIAL Purposes ( Reference )
Lunatжc Jennings — Feds Fumble Pesticide Progress — Environmental Health Association Of Nova Scotia ( Reference )
Lunatжc Jennings — Community Action Group Seeks Support For New Pesticide Bill ( Reference )
Explore the following link …
National Pesticide Ban
Explore the following link …
The Precautionary Principle
Lying Sacks Of Crжp – Activist-Managers
Blue Ocean Golf Club – Part 2
In 2017, Blue Ocean Golf Club changed from BLANKET SPRAYING using a truckster to SPOT APPLICATION via the use of [ highly-labour-intensive ] back-pack sprayer.
According to Ken Langdon, activist-general-manager ―
Blue Ocean Golf Club uses similar practices as the Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club, though with a smaller budget.
[ See the next segment for background information. ]
Background Information
Spot Spraying Does Not Work
Activists In The Golf Industry Exploit The Term Spot
Spraying As A Means Of Persuading Everyone That
Their Maintenance Practices Are Somehow Safer
Than The Use Of Safe, Effective Blanket Applications
The activist-general-manager at Blue Ocean Golf Club is a lying sack of crжp !
He knows NOTHING about pest control, and he should avoid making bad recommendations about SPOT SPRAYING.
He publicly exploits the term SPOT SPRAYING as a means of persuading everyone that his maintenance practices are somehow safer than the rest of the industry. [ ?!?! ]
His use of the term SPOT SPRAYING also implies that the use of conventional pest control products is a harmful practice ― which is FALSE !
Any use of the term SPOT SPRAYING is extremely harmful to the golf industry.
The term SPOT SPRAYING is used in pesticide-hating propaganda that is simply designed to alarm and enrage the public, and that attempts to validate the lie and the myth that conventional pest control products are somehow harmful to the environment.
The terms SPOT SPRAY or SPOT APPLICATION are defined as treatments that are confined to small areas such as individual weeds or small patches of weeds and plants.
SPOT SPRAYING is used where weeds have not sufficiently infested a turfgrass sward.
SPOT SPRAYING is practically INAPPLICABLE for the control of most diseases of turf, especially on the golf course, where BLANKET SPRAYING is absolutely necessary.
Small areas of visible disease symptoms is indicative of wide-spread infection, which demands BLANKET APPLICATIONS of fungicide at the highest recommended rate.
Activist-managers ( and superintendents ) who practice SPOT SPRAYING for the control of turf diseases are doing a DISSERVICE to the paying golfers who demand high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics.
Observers are dismayed that officials at Blue Ocean Golf Club spread pesticide lies and myths that are anti-golf-industry.
These officials represent the GREATEST THREATS to the golf industry today.
Lying Sacks Of Crжp – Activist-Superintendents & Managers
Blue Ocean Golf Club – Part 3
Tristan Tuplin, activist-superintendent, points out a few streaks of MOSS behind one of his putting greens.
In years past, we would have fertilized everything back here.
Now, Tuplin says he doesn’t look at MOSS as a pest.
Instead, he focuses on cultivating healthier grass that will eventually OUTCOMPETE the mossy patches. [ ?!?! ]
According to Tristan Tuplin, activist-superintendent at Blue Ocean Golf Club ―
A MOSSY PATCH that is functional as a playing surface despite lack-luster aesthetics. [ ?!?! ]
His boss, Ken Langdon, DISAGREED.
According to Ken Langdon, activist-general-manager ―
I don’t know how the ball is going to react coming off that MOSS as well as I do coming out of a consistent grass.
According to activist-superintendents ―
They believe in the process of [ arbitrarily ] REDUCING the need for pesticides and fertilizers.
[ Why ?!?! Based upon what credible information ?!?! ]
On Sunshine Coast Regional District land, registered pesticides are allowed only as a last resort when weeds or invasive species pose a significant risk « to the environment, economy, or public health ».
The District of Sechelt and the Town of Gibsons also have by-laws preventing some uses of pesticides and require a licence to use them.
[ These by-laws do not apply to the golf industry. ]
[ In response to this ordeal, activist-superintendents and managers on the Sunshine Coast have been espousing their politically-correct environmental rubbish. ]
And golfers ― including Blue Ocean’s activist-general-manager Ken Langdon ― are still adapting to the [ arbitrary pesticide-hating ] trend.
Langdon is new to the Sunshine Coast, having arrived in summer 2017 after spending a decade at Victoria’s Olympic View Golf Club.
He said the Sunshine Coast’s activist-superintendents are …
[ Why ?!?! Based upon what credible information ?!?! ]
[ In fact, they have been intimidating, coercing, and terrжrizing golfers into falsely-believing that the use of pest control products and fertilizers is a harmful practice ― WRONG ! ]
According to activist-general-manager Langdon ―
The old school guys who are used to …
… firm, fast, green, lush and consistent …
… over time that kind of mentality will go away …
… and it will be replaced by people who are willing to ACCEPT [ LOW-QUALITY ] CONDITIONS like this … [ ?!?! ]
… understanding that it means less pesticides, LESS TOXICITY. [ ?!?! ]
[ Less toxicity ?!?! Based upon what credible information ?!?! ]
[ See the next segment for background information. ]
Background Information
Pesticides Are Toxic ?!?!
How Did He Arrive At His Conclusion ?!?!
Where Are His Bodies Of Evidence ?!?!
Why Should We Listen To Him ?!?!
What Are His Qualifications ?!?!
WTF ?!?!
The activist-general-manager at Blue Ocean Golf Club is a lying sack of crжp !
While PRETENDING to be SOME KIND OF EXPERT on pest control products, this pesticide-hating manager has said ―
[ We need ] less pesticides, LESS TOXICITY.
[ ?!?! ]
This appears to be a BETRAYAL of the golf industry.
He simply do not deserve to be employed to work in golf facilities.
Ostensibly, this pesticide-hating manager wants the golf industry to IMPOSE a PROHIBITION against conventional pest control products.
How did this pesticide-hating manager arrive at the conclusion that pest control products used by the golf industry are somehow TOXIC ?!?!
Was his conclusion based upon his vast scientific knowledge of pest control products ?!?! [ No ! ]
Did this pesticide-hating manager assess these products after spending time and money carefully studying their effects on health and environment ?!?! [ No ! ]
Seemingly, he has the means to lie, but no real facts to lie with.
This pesticide-hating manager is UNABLE TO PROVIDE BODIES, BODIES, BODIES.
Where are the bodies ?!?!
Bodies of REAL evidence.
Bodies of REAL evidence, and NOT JUNK SCIENCE REPORTS intended to DISCREDIT the work of REAL experts, such as Health Canada and every other national regulatory agency in the world.
Bodies of REAL evidence, and NOT « secret evidence » or DEBUNKED REPORTS.
More specifically, PROOF that studies are being somehow with-held from Health Canada and every national regulatory agency in the world.
Health Canada, and NOT pesticide-hating activists in the golf industry, has THE ESSENTIAL EXPERTISE on the subject of pest control products.
This pesticide-hating manager is RIDICULOUSLY IMPLYING that his NON-EXPERT ASSESSMENT is somehow being withheld from Health Canada and EVERY other regulatory agency in the world.
The following regulatory, educational, research, scientific, and trade agencies have CONCLUSIVELY SUPPORTED or VALIDATED the concept that pest control products are SCIENTIFICALLY-SAFE ―
• American Chemical Society • American Council for Science and Health • American Cancer Society • British Columbia’s Special Committee on Cosmetic Pesticides • Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association • Canadian Honey Council • Canadian Medical Association • CropLife Canada • Environmental Protection Agency in New Zealand • Environment Alberta • Genotoxic Expert Panel Review • German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment BfR • Government of Alberta • Government of British Columbia • Government of Quebec • Government of Saskatchewan • Health Canada • Institute of Public Affairs • International Agency for Research on Cancer • Ontario Pesticides Advisory Committee • The Fraser Institute • The Industry Task Force II on 2,4-D Research Data • The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency • World Health Organization.
This pesticide-hating manager is THE LEAST QUALIFIED TO PROVIDE ANY ADVICE concerning pest control products.
He is an AMATEUR.
He is NOT A CREDIBLE expert on pest control products.
He is NOT COMPETENT to talk about pest control products.
Who is COMPETENT ?!?! Health Canada.
Health Canada requires each new pest control product to go through TWO-HUNDRED SEPARATE TESTS to examine health and environmental impacts as well as value, and costing about 250 MILLION DOLLARS.
Conversely, this pesticide-hating manager has NOT SPENT A SINGLE PENNY to research pest control products.
He COULD NOT EVEN BE BOTHERED to have used the EXTENSIVE TOXICOLOGY DATABASE that is available from Health Canada.
Clearly, he is INCAPABLE of processing overwhelming scientific evidence.
Everyone must STOP LISTENING to this pesticide-hating manager on the issue of pest control products.
His RANT has the effect of making paying golfers ANXIOUS and ALARMED and ENRAGED because of his CONCOCTION OF IMAGINARY DANGER.
Pest control products are SCIENTIFICALLY SAFE, and NO HARM WILL OCCUR when they are used according to label directions.
Even Canadian Cancer Society has STATED REPEATEDLY that scientific research DOES NOT provide a conclusive link between pest control products and cancer. http://wp.me/P1jq40-4qC
There is NOT ONE known illness or death from the proper use of pest control products used in the golf industry.
The RISK ASSESSMENT of pest control products indicates that they are PRACTICALLY-NON-TOXIC.
Pest control products used by the golf industry are LESS TOXIC THAN Aspirin, baking soda, caffeine, cannabis, nicotine, table salt, and Tylenol.
They are NO MORE TOXIC THAN ethanol ( an edible beverage constituent in beer, wine, and other intoxicating beverages ), mouthwash ( Listerine ), and Vitamin C.
Should we trust pesticide-hating fanatжcs who conveniently ignore overwhelming scientific evidence, and who attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
They represent the GREATEST THREATS to the golf industry today.
Background Information
Give The Paying Golfers What They Want
Paying Golfers Will Not Be Willing To
Accept The Low-Quality Playing Conditions &
Aesthetics That Are Being Dictated By Activist-
General-Managers & Activist-Superintendents
WTF ?!?!
The activist-general-manager at Blue Ocean Golf Club is a lying sack of crжp !
According to activist-general-manager Langdon ―
The old school guys who are used to …
… firm, fast, green, lush and consistent …
… over time that kind of mentality will go away …
… and it will be replaced by people who are willing to ACCEPT [ LOW-QUALITY PLAYING ] CONDITIONS like this … [ ?!?! ]
… understanding that it means less pesticides, LESS TOXICITY. [ ?!?! ]
Golfers will be willing to accept this manager’s LOW-QUALITY PLAYING CONDITIONS ?!?!
Really ?!?!
Paying golfers WILL NOT ACCEPT LOW-QUALITY PLAYING CONDITIONS that are ARBITRARILY DICTATED by activist-general-managers and activist-superintendents.
What do paying golfers want ?!?!
The left-wing pesticide-hating activists, who are employees of the paying golfers, should stop ARBITRARILY DICTATING their meaningless life-style choices to the golf industry.
It is abundantly clear that conventional pest control products are tools that are safely and effectively used by the golf industry.
These pest control tools will provide what playing customers want …
Activist-general-managers and activist-superintendents are …
• NOT paid to DICTATE to paying golfers ( their employers ).
• NOT paid to ASSESS the SUPPOSED TOXICITY of pest control products.
• NOT paid to REDUCE the use of pest control products and fertilizers that are, in fact, safe and effective.
• NOT paid to EXPERIMENT with green alternative pesticides that are STUNNINGLY EXPENSIVE and DO NOT WORK.
Should we trust pesticide-hating fanatжcs who conveniently ignore overwhelming scientific evidence, and who attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
They represent the GREATEST THREATS to the golf industry today.
Activist-managers and activist-superintendents should DO THEIR JOBS THEY ARE PAID FOR.
In other words …
Lying Sacks Of Crжp – Activist-Superintendents & Suzuki-Acolytes
Pender Harbour Golf Club
This is a semi-private 9-hole golf facility located in Madeira, British Columbia, which is part of the Sunshine Coast Region.
Pender Harbour Golf Club leases land from the Sunshine Coast Regional District ( SCRD ) and the agreement PROHIBITS the use of herbicides from being applied on the driving range.
Pesticides are used on one per cent of the property at Pender Harbour Golf Club.
[ Which means conventional product use on 9 putting greens, but the use of green alternative pesticides and home-made concoctions likely goes unreported. ]
According to activist-superintendent Jason Haines ―
Many golf facilities that have tried organics have GONE OUT OF BUSINESS.
Our goal is to not use any corrective pesticides, whether they’re organic or synthetic, and to prevent the pest in the first place.
We can’t just say we are going to be organic, because there are no proven methods.
There is one [ golf ] course in the world that does it.
[ Vineyard Golf Club ]
According to Haines, Vineyard has been forced to use MASSIVELY HIGH APPLICATIONS of green alternative pesticides, like sulphur ―
That’s not good.
It’s still a product designed to kill things…
It’s sulphur, it’s a huge amount of sulphur.
[ According to Oregon State University, sulphur applications only slightly reduce diseases like Microdochium Patch on annual bluegrass putting greens. ]
According to activist-superintendent Jason Haines ―
The only time we use herbicide is serious weeds that are a threat to the environment …
… using the example of Japanese Knotweed, which he calls an environmental disaster.
A 2017 David Suzuki documentary, « Dad and the Dandelions », [ falsely ] linked pesticides on golf courses to cancer, creating a public outcry and forcing courses to respond.
Haines said that going organic isn’t the solution.
According to activist-superintendent and Suzuki-acolyte Jason Haines ―
We are concerned about these TOXIC EFFECTS, so we take all the precautions.
[ ?!?! ]
[ This is the BEST response from Haines about Suzuki ?!?! Really ?!?! Why didn’t Haines take the opportunity to say that Suzuki was WRONG, that golf courses DO NOT cause cancer, and that they DO NOT kill people, which was falsely and strongly implied in the #@!!% Suzuki-documentary. Why ?!?! Because Haines is actually a Suzuki-acolyte ?!?! ]
[ See the next segment for background information. ]
Background Information
The Suzuki Attack Against The Golf Industry
March 2nd, 2017. CBC’s The Nature Of Things
With David Suzuki. Documentary « Dad and
the Dandelions ». Hosted By David Suzuki.
The activist-superintendent at Pender Harbour Golf Club is a lying sack of crжp !
He may well be a Suzuki-acolyte since he refused to take the opportunity to say that Suzuki was WRONG, that golf courses DO NOT cause cancer, and that they DO NOT kill people, which was falsely and strongly implied in the #@!!% documentary.
Suzuki says golf courses cause cancer and kill people. [ WRONG ! ]
David Suzuki & his fanatжcal-operatives have, once again, conspired to destroy the hated golf industry ― this time with a TV documentary, « Dad and the Dandelions ». http://wp.me/p1jq40-a82
In the #@!!% Suzuki-documentary, it is falsely and strongly implied that golf courses cause cancer and kill people.
David Suzuki is a lying sack of crжp ! http://wp.me/p1jq40-aal
Cancer-Patient Nisker DID NOT Die
Because Of Exposure To Pesticides
His documentary tells the story of a cancer-patient named Nisker, a long-time golfer who played six days a week, who died from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Seemingly, Suzuki and his fanatжcal-operatives, now want revenge against the golf industry for the death of Nisker.
Curiously, photos of cancer-patient Nisker clearly demonstrate that he WAS NOT healthy while he was playing golf ― he looked bloated, fat, pale, stressed, and totally out-of-shape ― the perfect candidate for cancer.
Regardless, the #@!!% Suzuki-documentary wants golfers to think about is they are playing on pesticide-soaked golf courses at their own risk.
Perhaps Suzuki should organize the release ALL medical records concerning cancer-patient Nisker, in the spirit of full disclosure.
Golfers Are Being Coerced To Accept Low-Quality
Playing Conditions & Aesthetics By David Suzuki
& His Acolytes, Activist-Superintendents &
Activist-Managers In The Golf Industry
The documentary also advises golfers to think about their unrealistic view of what courses should look like ― rich, green, and unblemished carpets.
This is the very same fanatжcal-advice provided by activist superintendents, activist-managers, and Suzuki-acolytes within the golf industry.
Suzuki’s so-called advice is a grievous attack against the golf industry.
And acolyte-activists within the golf industry actually agree with him.
Suzuki, his fanatжcal-operatives, and his acolyte-activists, are jeopardizing those people who rely upon the golf industry for their employment and their well-being.
According to the #@!!% Suzuki-documentary, the cost of achieving the attractive appearance of a golf course is harmful to individuals and the environment. [ WRONG ! ]
Again, activist-superintendents and activist-managers agree with Suzuki.
Are they operating as Suzuki-acolytes ?!?!
In the documentary, Suzuki has employed many of his favourite fanatжcal-operatives as commentators, such as Meg Sears, who also seeks revenge against the golf industry. http://wp.me/p1jq40-9Tf
Health Canada, and NOT Suzuki, and NOT his fanatжcal-operatives, has the essential expertise on the subject of pest control products used by the golf industry.
What Is Suzuki’s Objective ?!?! To Attack & Destroy
The Golf Industry With LIES About Cancer ― Why ?!?!
Observers have suggested that David Suzuki hates people.
Is this true ?!?!
Suzuki appears to hate those people who are opposed to his views, and demands that they be incarcerated.
Seemingly, Suzuki also hates everyone in the lawn care industry, and has destroyed it by ruining businesses and putting people out of work.
NEXT ! Suzuki is attacking golf businesses.
Suzuki also hates golfers and despises the game of golf. http://wp.me/p1jq40-66Q
Suzuki intends to leave a legacy of terrжrized and destroyed golf facilities, lost jobs and hardship for golf employees, and weakened communities. http://wp.me/p1jq40-a82
With the help of activist superintendents, activist-managers, and Suzuki-acolytes.
Background Information
The Failures Of Organic Pesticide-Free Maintenance
For many years, public scrutiny of golf course maintenance practices, as well as a perceived success of the pesticide-free organic industry, have forced some golf facilities to re-think the use of synthetic fertilizers and conventional pest control products.
However, golf facilities are now facing a new challenge from golf-hating & anti-pesticide fanatжcs … adopting organic pesticide-free golf course maintenance.
There are approximately two thousand golf courses across Canada.
There have been three, yes THREE, known self-named organic golf courses in Canada.
Blackburn Meadows Golf Club, Brigadoon Golf Course, and Fiddler’s Green Golf Course.
( See links below. )
Two of these golf facilities are now bankrupt, closed, and⁄or gone.
One facility may actually be a lying sack of crжp about being pesticide-free.
These types of courses CANNOT have high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics for paying golfers.
Background Information
The Failures Of Vineyard
Vineyard Golf Club Is A Failed Experiment With
Unlimited Funds To Waste On Cotton-Picking Labour
The maintenance practices used at the Vineyard Golf Club, in Martha’s Vineyard, USA, are seen as a possible template for so-called organic pesticide-free golf course maintenance.
This is WRONG !
Vineyard is somehow seen as some kind of environmental pioneer, with many in the golf industry needlessly attempting to learn its ( failed ) maintenance practices.
This is FALSE !
In fact, Vineyard serves as a template for inflicting catastrophic employee abuse by subjecting its labour force into a group of mere cotton-pickers who are forced to remove hundreds of thousands weed and insect pests MANUALLY !
At Vineyard, there is no longer a need to employ golf course technicians with professional training.
All they need to know how to do is bend over and pull or scoop.
Vineyard utilizes other outmoded and ancient pest control practices, such as killing weeds with boiling water and removing moss with kitchen dish detergent.
When compared to the use of safe & effective conventional herbicides, NONE of these practices are effective for the control of damaging pests.
Unfortunately, controlling destructive insect pests like white grubs is impossible.
At Vineyard, pest control practices have regressed by 100 years.
Pesticide-free golf course maintenance is really nothing new.
And does not work, unless stunningly huge amounts of funds are wasted on cotton-picking labour.
Vineyard is a huge operational failure.
Vineyard Is Pesticide-Free Because The Local
Community Insisted On It … Not For The Protection
Of The Environment … But In Return For Being
Given Millions & Millions Of Dollars In Profits
In reality, Vineyard serves as a template for feeding profit to coercive fanatжcal residents who own homes adjacent to this golf facility.
In case you’re wondering, what is the cost of membership at the Vineyard Golf Club ?!?!
For ordinary golfers, the initiation fee is 350,000 dollars with annual dues of 12,000.
For coercive fanatжcal who own homes near Vineyard were given, yes GIVEN, millions and millions of dollars in membership benefits, FOR ALMOST FREE.
Unfortunately, this is the price that Vineyard was forced to GIVE fanatжcal residents from inflicting coercion, intimidation, and terrжrism.
As a condition of its original construction, 125 residents used environmental issues as a pretext for being accepted as members with NO initiation fee and annual dues of only 725 dollars.
Who says being a coercive fanatжc is not profitable ?!?!
Background Information
Critical Issues
The golf industry must STRONGLY ADOPT THE POSITION that conventional pest control products are scientifically-safe and will cause NO harm to players, worker, and the environment.
The golf industry’s trade associations must CEASE publicly supporting the PROHIBITION against conventional pest control products used in the urban landscape.
The golf industry must also ADOPT the position that its use of any fertilizers DOES NOT harm the environment.
The golf industry must ESTABLISH policies for expelling those « activist-superintendents », as well as « activist-general-managers », from its trade associations who falsely-allege that the use of pest control products harm the environment.
Providing players with high-quality conditions CANNOT be successful with inferior green alternative pesticides and ineffective sustainable « organic » practices.
Additionally, the golf industry must VIGOROUSLY EMBARK on a massive public relations campaign to discredit « organic » pesticide-free maintenance practices, declaring them as DISMAL PESTICIDE-FREE FAILURES.
These and other critical issues MUST be addressed by Blue Ocean Golf Club, Pender Harbour Golf Club, Sunshine Coast Golf and Country Club, and the entire golf industry.
Please explore the following link …
Critical Issues For The Golf Industry — The Failed CGSA
√ FACT — Overwhelming Scientific Evidence Clearly Demonstrates That Pest Control Products Are Scientifically-Safe, & Will Not Cause Harm To Children, Adults, Animals, Or The Environment
√ FACT — Pesticides Are Less Lethal To Humans Than Caffeine — LINK
√ FACT — Yes, You Are Definitely Ingesting Pesticides, But Here’s Why It’s Not A Problem — LINK
√ FACT — Children Are Not At Risk From Pesticides — Dangerous Playing Surfaces Are Created By #@!!% Pesticide Bans — LINK
√ FACT — Pest Control Products Are Safe For Kids — Slide Show — LINK
√ FACT — Chemicals Are Evaluated For Carcinogenic Potential By Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) — LINKS
√ FACT — Pesticides Are Evaluated As Acceptable For Continued Registration By Health Canada — LINK
√ FACT — Our Children Are Safe When Pesticide Bans Are Stopped — There Are Real Trends AGAINST Pesticide Bans — LINK
√ FACT — Pest Control Products Have Been Tested In More Ways Than Virtually Any Other Set Of Substances — The Industry Task Force II On 2,4-D Research Data — LINKS
√ FACT — Pesticides Are Safe — LINKS
√ FACT — Pesticides Are Health Canada Approved — Listen To Mr Lindsay Hanson From The Pest Management Regulatory Agency — LINK
√ FACT — There Is No Direct Proof Pesticides Cause Cancer — Canadian Cancer Society — LINK
√ FACT — REAL Experts Speak Out Against The Conspiracy To Impose Reckless & Arbitrary Prohibition Against Conventional Pest Control Products — LINK
We Speak The Whole Truth About Activist-Superintendents From An Independent Perspective
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged pesticide-hating fanatжcs ( HUJE ), like activist-superintendents, who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths.
Not surprisingly, enviro-fanatжcs have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and who attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brain-child of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We dare to defy the pesticide-hating fanatжcs, like activist-superintendents, by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/ If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G
Please read the following facts & explore the following links …
√ FACT — If You Do Not Vote Conservative,
Then You Are A Pitiful Fool & An Imbecile
√ FACT — With A Scheer Conservative Victory In The 2019 Canadian Federal Election, There Will Be NO National Prohibition Against Pest Control Products — LINK
√ FACT — The Fanatжcal Trudeau Liberal Government Is Bat-Shжt Crazy — LINK
√ FACT — The Trump Administration Ends The US EPA’s Reigns Of Terrжr — LINK