Studies have found a 2-3 times increased risk of leukemia associated with childhood or pre-natal exposure to household or garden pesticides.
This is how CAPE (WARREN BELL) & The North Columbia Environmental Society obtained letters from local groups to help show support for a pesticide ban in Revelstoke. They lied to the groups like the Youth Soccer Club (about Bogus Dangers of Pesticides, implying 1 in 3 Soccer Kids Die of Cancer ) the intention is to get signatures of support to provide to Revelstoke Council.
Then the info is forwarded to their Activist (anti pesticide) friend Penny Page-Brittin the Revelstoke Environment Coordinator.
Finally, Penny Page-Brittin brings her biased and coercive findings to Council on behalf of the now SCARED and Misinformed Citizens of Revelstoke. Citizens just like the Youth Soccer Club Members or the Rod and Gun Club Members or School District #19
WOW! Who would want to let their kids play soccer after that story?
[Get the pen, Where do I sign the petition.]
This is an old Trick The Canadian Cancer Society has played on unsuspecting citizens since 1987 to boost thier support group and funding needs.
The "Crystal Clear 2,4-D causes Non Hodgkins Lymphoma" Statement from Dr. Richard Jagt has been purged from many Environmentalists websites and is not found in any Refereed Scientific Literature. Go figure…
But it was a critical piece of Misinformation, as was the discredited Cathy Vakil CAPE Ontario College of Family Physicians Report 2004 in banning pesticides in other jurisdictions.
Now Dr. Vakil is shutting down the Ontario Coal Plants 3 years earlier. Based on SECRET Scientific Evidence .
Dr. Richard Jagt, Chair of the Canadian Leukemia Studies Group says “recent studies make it crystal clear that 2,4-D, used to kill weeds on lawns, causes non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.” Studies have found a 2-3 times increased risk of leukemia associated with childhood or pre-natal exposure to household or garden pesticides.
The North Columbia Environmental Society is asking your group for a written letter of support for a
cosmetic pesticide ban within the city of Revelstoke. If you still have questions, please bring them to my
attention and attend our expert panel on Cosmetics and Pesticides, presenting at the RCC, Thursday,
April 16th, 7 pm (as mentioned at the start of this letter).
Friend of Revelstoke & Glacier National Park
Revelstoke Youth Soccer
North Columbia Environmental Society
Illecillewaet Greenbelt Society
School District #19
Chair, Canadian Leukemia Studies Group at Ottawa Hospital and Hospital & Health Care Consultant
Dr. Richard Van der Jagt is an active clinician/researcher who continues to chair the Canadian Leukemia Studies Group which he founded. This national group has now expanded to include centers across Canada, USA and with interested collaborators in Sweden, Israel, China and Argentina. This group has completed a large randomized CIHR/Industry funded study in AML which demonstrates a statistically significant advantage of a novel regimen over standard chemotherapy. Dr. Van der Jagt has developed a new clinical trial based on that data and has submitted that trial to the National Cancer Institute (US) peer review. 23 centers in Canada, U.S. A. and Israel have agreed to participate in the new trial. This group is also actively involved in studies in myelodysplasia, lymphoma and myeloma. Dr. Van der Jagt is active in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, and continues to be an active member of the Ottawa Hospital Research Ethics Board.
Rate MDs Score:
Some Positive Comments about Dr. Jagt
Some Negative Comments:
Very rude & poor bedside manner.He does not thoroughly explain procedures & does not take into consideration the patient's weak physical & mental state from repeated chemotherapy treatment.He is not approachable & dismisses any concerns or questions that are directed to him.He threatened to deny chemotherapy treatment because he claimed to have called the phone # provided and received no answer.He also failed to call the emergency # that he had requested.The helpful nurses under his authority do a much better job at caring for the patients.Avoid this doctor at all costs.He does not have the compassion to work in a hospital.
Avoid this doctor at all costs. Kept me on meds without explaining side effects. Missed diagnosis of a problem due to side effects therefore I have more health complications. Missed prescribing well-known and available drug to take care of known side effects before they made serious damage. Avoid this doctor if you don't want any more complications with your health than you already have. Did not explain test results and always seemed to be rushed during visits, did not recall what he had said at time of last visit. Long waiting times added to stress of useless visits.
Pesticide regulation is examined in the context of Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s assessment of the chlorophenoxy herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) for turf. 2,4-D is the most common herbicide used to kill weeds in grass.
The medical literature does not uniformly indicate harms from herbicides. However, the balance of epidemiological research suggests that 2,4-D can be persuasively linked to cancers, neurological impairment and reproductive problems. These may arise from 2,4-D itself, from breakdown products or dioxin contamination, or from a combination of chemicals.
Regulators rely largely on toxicology, but experiments may not replicate exposures from 2,4-D application to lawns because environmental breakdown products (eg, 2,4-dichlorophenol) may not accumulate and selected herbicides are possibly less contaminated. Dioxins are bioaccumulative chemicals that may cause cancer, harm neurological development, impair reproduction, disrupt the endocrine system and alter immune function. No dioxin analyses were submitted to the Pest Management Regulatory Agency, and the principal contaminants of 2,4-D are not among the 17 congeners covered in pesticide regulation. Independent assessment of all dioxins is needed, in tissues and in the environment.
The 2,4-D assessment does not approach standards for ethics, rigour or transparency in medical research. Canada needs a stronger regulator for pesticides. Potentially toxic chemicals should not be registered when more benign solutions exist, risks are not clearly quantifiable or potential risks outweigh benefits. Until landscaping pesticides are curtailed nationally, local bylaws and Quebec’s Pesticide Code are prudent measures to protect public health. Physicians have a role in public education regarding pesticides.
The study referred to was published in Paediatrics & Child Health, which is the journal of
the Canadian Paediatric Society, by authors who have no affiliation with the CPS. It was
not written by the Canadian Paediatric Society, and does not reflect the opinion of the
CPS. Currently, we do not have any position statements on pesticide use.
The reference for the study in question is as follows:
Sears M, Walker CR, van der Jagt RHC, Claman P. Pesticide assessment: Protecting
public health on the home turf. Paediatr Child Health , Vol 11, No 4, April 2006.
The CPS should not be cited as this information. This has been communicated to the
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment.
Elizabeth Moreau
Director, Communications & Public Education
Canadian Paediatric Society
2305 St. Laurent Blvd.
Ottawa, Ont. K1G 4J8
Tel: 613-526-9397, ext 231
Fax: 613-526-3332
Thank you for taking the time to speak with me earlier today. As I indicated in our
conversation, Mr. Gideon Foreman is not a registered member of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
Brian Goldig
Manager, Physician Advisory Service
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
Frank Reddick TURF LOGIC (FOUNDER) – Organic Weed Control Service and Products
Media Release
Coalition for a Healthy Ottawa
Physicians and Scientists call for Action on Pesticides used for Landscaping
For Immediate Release – September 20, 2007
Haematologist and researcher Dr. Richard van der Jagt stated, “recent population studies, genetic studies and basic
molecular studies make it crystal clear that 2,4-D, used to kill weeds on lawns, causes non-Hodgkin lymphoma.”
Facing increasingly crowded clinics, he adds, “Canada has the dubious distinction of being a world leader in this
cancer, with a rapidly increasing incidence. It is clear that childhood leukemia is linked to non-essential use of
pesticides in the household, as is adult leukemia. Other hormonally-linked cancers, of the breast and prostate are also
rising rapidly. These are fuelled by endocrine disruption which may be caused by components of pesticides. Because
of the effect of pesticides on the
For more information, please contact:
Meg Sears PhD 613 832-2806 or 613 297-6042
Richard van der Jagt MD, FRCP (C) 613 737-8804
Frank Reddick 705 309-1400
July 9, 2010
Penny Page-Brittin
Environmental Sustainability Coordinator
City of Revelstoke
A request was made to City Council on February 23, 2010 by the City’s Environmental Advisory Committee and the North Columbia Environmental Society to implement a Bylaw to ban the use of cosmetic pesticides city-wide. Letters of support were received from six groups and organizations which included School District #19, Selkirk Medical Clinic, Interior Health, Illecillewaet Greenbelt Society, Friends of Mt. Revelstoke and Glacier National Park and the Rod and Gun Club. Additionally, a petition signed by 71 residents was presented to Council on July 6 supporting the City’s discontinued use of cosmetic pesticides on public lands and supporting a Bylaw to extend the ban city-wide.
Warren Bell Presentation 2007 Dr. Jagt Crystal Clear comment:
The Coalition for a Healthy Ottawa
The introduction of evidencesbased medicine as a component of daily practice
Evidence-based medicine is an increasingly important concept in
continuing medical education and medical school curricula. To cope
with the rapid evolution of medicine, physicians need to remain
abreast of the many new therapies and diagnostic tools that affect
their practices. Unfortunately, along with the many changes there is
also a surplus of relevant written material. Physicians are unable to
read all of this information due to time constraints. Instead, they
must choose information efficiently. Tools are needed to facilitate this
DREP brings together health professionals in a campaign to educate Canadians about renewable
energy and coal-fired power plants. Partners include the Registered Nurses’ Association of
Ontario, the Lung Association, Ontario College of Family Physicians, and the Asthma Society of
Led by CAPE, the groups have brought the latest science on coal and wind’s health effects
to newspaper editors, medical conferences, and the general public.
“It’s marvelous working with these health organizations,” says CAPE executive director Gideon
Forman. “We all want clean air so an awareness
campaign on coal is an obvious choice.”