April 19, 2024


The Library Of The Dismal Failures
Of Manual Weed Picking


Green Alternative Practices, Like Manual Weed Picking, Are Bogus & Dismal Failures
It Is Impossible For Home-Owners & Professionals To Keep Their Properties Safe, Attractive, & Pest-Free By Using So-Called Green Alternative Practices Like Manual Weed Picking


FACT Manual Weed Picking Means Becoming A Cotton-Picker

FACT Manual Weed Picking Is Totally Ineffective For Weed Control, & Does Not Work

FACT It Is Impossible To Successfully Maintain Properties As Weed-Free, Safe, & Attractive By Using Practices Like Manual Weed Picking

FACT Manual Weed Picking Is Not Cost Effective, & Is Back-Breakingly Labour-Intensive

FACT Manual Weed Picking Is A Primary Reason For The Repeated Failures Of Prohibitions Against Conventional Pest Control Products Used In The Urban Landscape

FACT With The Adoption Of Prohibitions, Municipal Employees & Residents Are Being Forced To Resort To The Back-Breaking & Agonizing Job Of Manual Weed Picking

FACT Manual Weed Picking Means That Municipal Employees & Residents Are Being Devalorized & Humiliated As Mere Cotton-Pickers

FACT Relying On Manual Weed Picking Means That Urban Green Spaces Will Inevitably Become Weed-Infested Garbage Dumps

FACT Because Of The Dependence On Manual Weed Picking, Prohibition Has Been A Dismal Failure For Municipalities

FACT Municipalities Desperately Need Conventional Pest Control Products, & Not Failed Green Alternative Practices Like Manual Weed Picking

FACT It Would Be Better To Do Nothing Rather Than Rely Upon Manual Weed Picking

FACT Instead Of Admitting That #@!!% Manual Weed Picking Is A Dismal Failure, Government Officials & Fanatжcal-Activists Prefer Living In The World Of False-Facts & Junk Science

FACT No One Wants To Live In #@!!% Pest- Infested Garbage Dumps



Residents Become Cotton-Pickers Because Of Manual Weed Picking

If someone arbitrarily dislikes conventional pest control products, that is THEIR choice.

We have NO objection to THEIR choice of life-style, which, in this case, is a clear preference for the back-breaking practice of Manual Weed Picking.

But, no one, except for THEM, wants this #@!!% nonsense of Manual Weed Picking, even though this practice DOES NOT WORK !

Moreover, we DO object to the imposition of THEIR choice on the majority of the community that DOES NOT want to perform lawn maintenance like COTTON-PICKERS.

If a small minority of highly-motivated fanatics want to spend 40 to 50 hours plus per week pulling weeds from their properties, that’s their prerogative.

IMPOSING that life-style on everyone else for NO good reason IS UNFAIR.

Besides, Manual Weed Picking is TOTALLY INEFFECTIVE.

It would be better to do NOTHING rather than rely upon Manual Weed Picking.

There is NO DOUBT that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for home-owners or maintenance professionals to keep their properties weed-free, safe, & beautiful by using practices like weed-pulling, raised mowing height, & soil aeration.

Without conventional pest control products, playing surfaces become thin & yellow, and over-run with weeds & infested with insects, resulting in the dismal destruction of safe turf playing surfaces & turning them into garbage dumps.

Who wants to live in #@!!% pest-infested garbage dumps just because a small group of fanatжcs seek to impose needless pesticide bans ?!?!

Forget about Manual Weed Picking & forget about being a COTTON-PICKER !


Manual Weed Picking Kills People

On June 28th, 2011, an Ontario resident did not realize that hand-weeding a toxic noxious weed on his property would contribute to his death.

This resident was ultimately doomed since the safest and most effective method of controlling toxic noxious weeds was arbitrarily & needlessly prohibited by government officials.

Contact with this toxic noxious weed resulted in severe burns to his hands & arms, eventually forcing him to be hospitalized  ―  ultimately, he died.

Unfortunately, government officials had imposed a reckless anti-pesticide prohibition.

The death was the fault of Manual Weed Picking and prohibition !

Explore the following link  …

Man Dies Because Of Prohibition & Manual Weed Picking


Municipal Employees Are Treated Like Cotton-Pickers

Without the use of conventional pest control products, anti-pesticide jurisdictions were/are FORCED TO RESORT to the BACK-BREAKING & AGONIZING job of Manual Weed Picking !

Municipal employees have been DEVALUED into a group of WEED-PICKERS.

This is because green alternative pesticides & practices, like Manual Weed Picking, are BOGUS & DO NOT WORK !


Consequently, government officials are RAPIDLY REVERTING BACK to conventional pest control products.

Because of the FAILURE OF ORGANIC PESTICIDE-FREE MAINTENANCE, municipal employees have had to resort to the BACK-BREAKING & AGONIZING JOB of Manual Weed Picking using scrapers & hoes !


Municipal employees are DEMANDING that anti-pesticide PROHIBITIONS BE RESCINDED so that they can be allowed to use conventional pest control products.

Municipal employees want to stop being treated like COTTON-PICKERS.

Pest control products are SCIENTIFICALLY SAFE, & will NOT cause harm to people, animals, and the environment.

In ALL anti-pesticide jurisdictions where Manual Weed Picking is used, government officials are RAPIDLY TRYING TO REVERT  BACK to conventional pest control products.


Resident Weed-Picking Volunteers Are Treated Like Cotton-Pickers

Municipalities CANNOT AFFORD THE HIGH COST of manual labour required for Manual Weed Picking.

Because of the FAILURE OF ORGANIC PESTICIDE-FREE MAINTENANCE, government officials have been forced to enlist the help of Resident Weed Picking Volunteers, most of whom are elderly and unemployed.

Resident Volunteers have had to resort to the BACK-BREAKING & AGONIZING job of Manual Weed Picking !

Moreover, Resident Volunteers rapidly become interested to volunteer their time in a LOSING BATTLE AGAINST WEEDS.

In ALL anti-pesticide jurisdictions where Resident Weed Picking Volunteers are used, government officials want to RAPIDLY REVERT BACK to conventional pest control products.


Green Alternative Pesticides Are Bogus

PESTICIDE BANS lead to the CATASTROPHIC PROBLEMS of weed invasions and insect infestations.

Weeds and insects DAMAGE TURF shortly after ANY municipality that has PROHIBITED the use of conventional pest control products.

Because of anti-pesticide PROHIBITION, municipal parks & sport fields are OVER-RUN BY WEEDS, & MUST BE TOTALLY RENOVATED since they are in an UNUSABLE CONDITION FOR PLAYING SAFELY.

Government Officials, the Green Space Industry, & the public were DUPED by anti-pesticide lunatжcs.

These lunatжcs have FALSELY ALLEGED that so-called safe & effective Green Alternative Pesticides were/are already available to replace conventional pest control products.  [ Wrong ! ]

There are NO viable, NO efficacious, NO economical, & NO low-risk alternatives to replace conventional pest control products.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for home-owners or professionals to keep their properties beautiful by using so-called Green Alternative Pesticides.

In many cases, Green Alternative Pesticides are questionably HIGHER IN TOXICITY, & pose HIGHER ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS.

A well-maintained conventional lawn & landscape can ONLY BE ACHIEVED with conventional pest control products.

Fortunately, conventional pest control products, like 2,4-D, are SAFE, EFFECTIVE, ECONOMICAL, & LOW-RISK.


The Effect On 2,4-D On Health Is A Myth

Pest control products, like 2,4-D, used in the urban landscape are government-approved, federally-legal, scientifically-safe, & practically-non-toxic  …  these products DID NOT need to be prohibited.

Green Alternative Pesticides are NOT necessary !

There are NO pest control products that are known or probable carcinogens.

It is a MYTH to believe that pest control products somehow cause cancer.

There are THOUSANDS OF DEATHS per year from KNOWN CANCER-CAUSING SUBSTANCES such as cigarette smoke & alcohol.

There is NOT ONE KNOWN CANCER DEATH from the proper use of pest control products used in the Urban Landscape.

Even Canadian Cancer Society’s own web-sites state, repeatedly, that scientific research DOES NOT provide a conclusive link between pest control products & cancer.

EPA, Health Canada, and other science-based national regulatory agencies have clearly demonstrated that 2,4-D is LESS TOXIC THAN Aspirin, baking soda, caffeine, cannabis, nicotine, table salt, & Tylenol.

2,4-D is NO MORE TOXIC THAN ethanol ( an edible beverage constituent in beer, wine, & other intoxicating beverages ), mouthwash ( Listerine ), & Vitamin C.

2,4-D is scientifically-safe, practically non-toxic, will cause NO harm, will NOT cause cancer, & will NOT cause irreversible damage if consumed orally.

The probable lethal dose for a person ingesting the concentrated form of 2,4-D is ONE LITRE, the volume of an entire milk carton.

By comparison, drinking SIX LITRES of water, a fluid that is seemingly harmless, can lead to water poisoning or dilutional hyponatremia, which is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain functions.

Explore the following links …

Canadian Cancer Society — No Conclusive Link

Safety Facts — Pesticides Are Safe For Kids



The Library Of Manual Weed Picking
By Force Of Nature


Manual Weed Picking

Everett, Washington, USA

Everett is a coastal city in the State of Washington, with a population of over 100,000.

The Lowell Park Pesticide-Free Pilot-Project ENDED in May 2012, and the City of Everett, Washington, RESUMED SPRAYING WEEDS with conventional pest control products.

The application of pest control products was resumed because NOT ENOUGH Resident Weed Picking Volunteers could KEEP THE PARK UP TO CITY STANDARDS.

It was TOO MUCH WORK for Resident Volunteers to maintain the whole park.

Without the use of conventional pest control products, City of Everett was FORCED TO RESORT to the BACK-BREAKING & AGONIZING job of Manual Weed Picking !

Resident Weed Picking Volunteers, most of whom are elderly & unemployed, were forced to become A GROUP OF MERE WEED-PICKERS.

Resident Volunteers were needed because Green Alternative Pesticides were BOGUS & DID NOT WORK !

Organic Pesticide-Free Maintenance has been a DISMAL FAILURE.

Explore the following link  …

Everett, Washington — Spraying Resumed


Manual Weed Picking

Highland Park, Illinois, USA

Part 1

By early 2012, Park District of Highland Park CONCLUDED that Organic Pesticide-Free Maintenance of its sports fields was a DISMAL FAILURE.

The Manual Weed Picking program was deemed TOTALLY INEFFECTIVE.

In order to rid the sports fields of weeds by using Manual Weed Picking, Highland Park observed that you would NEED AN ARMY & concluded that « we don’t think that’s a solution ».

The city’s professional labour force, along with volunteers, were DEVALUED into a group of mere COTTON-PICKERS.

Highland Park needed to RESCUE THE WEED-RIDDEN SPORTS FIELDS from Organic Pesticide-Free Maintenance that has been a DISMAL FAILURE.

Three major sports fields were OVER-RUN with MORE THAN 60 PER CENT WEED INVASION.

The non-expert anti-pesticide activists, like the LUNATЖC-CLOWNS from Beyond Pesticides, that recommended Organic Pesticide-Free Maintenance, KNEW NOTHING & were UTTERLY INCOMPETENT.

Pest control products used in the urban landscape are government-approved, federally-legal, scientifically-safe, & practically-non-toxic  …  these products DID NOT need to be prohibited.

Explore the following link  …

Highland Park, Illinois — Ineffective


Manual Weed Picking

Highland Park, Illinois, USA

Part 2

Non-expert Chip Osborne ( lunatжc director of Beyond Pesticides, an anti-pesticide & environmental-terrжrist organization ) has shilled his services for FAILED & INEFFECTIVE Organic Pesticide-Free Maintenance ( i.e. organic ) to several municipalities, including the Park District of Highland Park in Illinois.

See video below.

At 3:30 — Chip has said parks can be weed free in 14 months ?!?!

At 8:00 — 18 To 24 months ?!?!

Chip has said « We can’t eradicate all the weeds, you need to manually control ( i.e. Manual Weed Picking ) ».

« It will only take 18 to 24 months ».

How much does it cost to have Chip as a consultant ?!?!

Chip has responded « we can talk about that in private », preferring to avoid such discussion on public video.

Chip was / is paid 36,000 dollars, or more, per year, merely as a consultant for giving advice on FAILED & INEFFECTIVE Organic and Pesticide-Free Maintenance.

Who can afford this #@!!% Chip nonsense ?!?!

Don’t be fooled by Chip Osborne, even in his video presentation, he dodged all the questions relating to STUNNING COSTS of his services & where he sourced his information relating his IMAGINED DANGERS of pesticides & inert ingredients.

Sadly, Chip is NOT an expert, but he IS a salesman who shills FAILED & INEFFECTIVE services.

Who can afford this #@!!% Chip nonsense ?!?!

Osborne has said that organic fertilizer products are more cost-effective than many conventional products because less is needed than conventional fertilizers.  [ ?!?! ]

He also alleges that kelp and seaweed products, although not considered to be fertilizers or soil amendments, are good additions to a lawn care program.  [ ?!?! ] 

In fact, these products are INEFFECTIVE.

Who can afford this #@!!% Chip nonsense ?!?!

There are NO economical, NO viable, NO efficacious, & NO low-risk alternatives to replace conventional products.

Green alternative are BOGUS & DISMAL FAILURES  ―  they are INEFFECTIVE & DO NOT WORK.

By definition, alternatives are INFERIOR, which is why they did not win the market-place originally.


Who can afford this #@!!% Chip nonsense ?!?!

Why does anyone listen to Chip nonsense ?!?!

Organic Pesticide-Free Maintenance practices ( i.e. organic ) proposed by Chip are failed & ineffective, as well as STUNNINGLY EXPENSIVE due to factors such as INFERIOR green alternative products, IMMENSE labour for Manual Weed Picking, & inevitable re-construction.

Who can afford this #@!!% Chip nonsense ?!?!

View the following video recording  …

Highland Park, Illinois -- 18 To 24 Months At 8 Minutes -- Lunatжc Chip Osborne -- Video Recording -- 10 Minutes 31 Seconds


Manual Weed Picking

Lawrence, Kansas, USA

In cities like Lawrence, Kansas, government officials are now REVERTING BACK to conventional pest control since residents are no longer interested to volunteer their time in a LOSING BATTLE AGAINST WEEDS.

Without the use of conventional pest control products, Lawrence had to resort to the BACK-BREAKING & AGONIZING job of Manual Weed Picking !

Moreover, the city’s professional labour force was DEVALUED into a group of mere COTTON-PICKERS.

Government officials showed that Lawrence had spent less than 10,000 dollars per year for conventional pest control products.

Non-expert anti-pesticide activists lobbied Lawrence to convert all of the city’s 52 parks to pesticide-free maintenance by 2009.

However, a cost analysis by the Parks and Recreation staff estimated that the city would have to spend 213,000 dollars for equipment; 116,000 dollars annually for staff; & 95,000 dollars annually for materials to achieve that goal.

Organic and Pesticide-Free Maintenance has been STUNNINGLY EXPENSIVE, & has been a DISMAL FAILURE.

Explore the following link  …

Lawrence, Kansas


Manual Weed Picking

Lincoln City, Oregon, USA

Lincoln City’s move to prohibit against conventional herbicides in its parks resulted in a SURGE OF WEED GROWTH.

Three years later, Lincoln City was FORCED TO SPEND 260 staff hours with people performing Manual Weed Picking ON THEIR HANDS & KNEES WEEDING  …  and they still COULD NOT KEEP UP WITH THE WEEDS.

Back when the department was applying conventional pest control products, parks workers would SPEND a mere 60 hours.

Unfortunately, Lincoln City has NEGLECTED TASKS ranging from manicuring trees, pressure-washing, & painting trash cans.

Green Alternatives Pesticides, like vinegar acid, are MORE TOXIC & MORE DANGEROUS  …  they can BURN the eyes % skin of workers, so they had to wear protective masks & suits.

Three years after going pesticide-free, conventional pest control products NEEDED TO BE USED AGAIN IN WEED-INFESTED PARKS.

Organic Pesticide-Free Maintenance has been a DISMAL FAILURE.

Explore the following link  …

Lincoln City, Oregon — On Hands & Knees


Manual Weed Picking

Portland, Oregon, USA

The City of Portland CAPITULATED under pressure from  Northwest Coalition For Alternatives To Pesticides ( NCAP ), an anti-pesticide & environmental-terrжrist organization.

The city self-imposed a prohibition against pest control products.

The ONLY alternatives were the STUNNINGLY EXORBITANT COSTS in paid labour & volunteers for Manual Weed Picking.

They have been forced to work as WEED-PICKERS, a BACK-BREAKING & AGONIZING job.

Hazardous FLAME-THROWERS were also employed.

Portland’s Organic Pesticide-Free Maintenance meant DEVALUING labour & volunteers into a group of COTTON-PICKERS.

Ultimately, the city was only able to afford PESTICIDE-FREE PARKS through the use of Resident Volunteers who were UNRELIABLE, & their numbers SEVERELY DECLINED over a three year period.

When using conventional pest control products, Portland SPENT a mere 371 dollars per year to keep the weeds out.

PESTICIDE-FREE PARKS, on the other hand, came with the EXORBITANT COST of 3,621 dollars in annual maintenance costs, and 9,455 dollars in start-up costs for each new park.

STUNNING COSTS were also required to pay parks department employees to HAUL weeds collected by volunteers, & to INSPECT the parks to make sure weeds were under control.

Portland’s Organic Pesticide-Free Maintenance has been a DISMAL FAILURE.

Explore the following link  …

Portland, Oregon


Manual Weed Picking

Salmon Arm, British Columbia

Salmon Arm is a city in the Southern Interior of the province of British Columbia that has a population of over 17,000.

For years, anti-pesticide lunatжc-activists like Warren Bell coerced, intimidated, & terrжrized the elected officials of Salmon Arm.

Consequently, on February 23rd, 2009, Salmon Arm capitulated to Bell & his lunatжc-operatives when elected officials legislated a needless, senseless, & malicious prohibition by-law against conventional pest control products used in the urban landscape.

On March 1st, 2010, Salmon Arm’s prohibition legislation was implemented, & Organic Pesticide-Free Maintenance became the law.

Owners of local professional lawn care companies cried unfair.

On March 2nd, 2011, during the meeting with city staff, these owners received an updated copy of the prohibition, which now included an exception status for « certified applicators ».

Moreover, prohibition exceptions were tacked on to the city’s prohibition by-law, ready for when city staff decide to spray pesticides on the city’s HARD-LANDSCAPE infra-structure, such as sidewalks & highway islands.

The EXCEPTION states ― « This by-law shall not apply in respect of the application of pesticides to prevent the deterioration of HARD-LANDSCAPES after alternatives have been utilized without success ».

During the city’s budget deliberations in November 2016, city staff proposed a $10,000 increase in the budget to do a one-time conventional herbicide application.



« It is TOO LABOUR-INTENSIVE. It’s getting to the point now that weeds & weed seeds are so prevalent WE CAN’T KEEP UP WITH IT, » city staff said.

Salmon Arm’s Organic Pesticide-Free Maintenance has been a DISMAL FAILURE.

Explore the following link  …

Salmon Arm , British Columbia


Manual Weed Picking

University Of Guelph

The University of Guelph, that at one time was the proud learning epicentre of the Turfgrass Maintenance Industry, has been reduced to recommending Manual Weed Picking as an alternative to conventional herbicides, thereby DEVALUING the professional labour force of the lawn care industry into a group of mere COTTON-PICKERS.

Explore the following links  …

University Of Guelph

Why Give Money To An Institution With Repeated Failures, Betrayals, & Bad Services ?!?!


Manual Weed Picking

Vernon, British Columbia

Coldstream is a District Municipality in British Columbia, located in the Okanagan Valley, with a population under 10,000, is considered part of Greater Vernon.

The PROBLEM OF WEEDS surfaced after Coldstream PROHIBITED the use of conventional pest control products used on city-owned green spaces.

Without the use of these products, municipal employees had to resort to the BACK-BREAKING & AGONIZING job of Manual Weed Picking using hoes !

The professional labour force was DEVALUED into a group of mere COTTON-PICKERS.

While WEED-PICKING was used initially to control weeds, it appears NO professional municipal employee wanted to continue with this form of MANUAL COTTON-PICKING LABOUR.

Not surprisingly, Coldstream parks became OVER-RUN BY WEEDS, & needed to be TOTALLY RENOVATED.


Regional District of North Okanagan was forced to SPEND 3,000 dollars to bring the BASEBALL DIAMOND up to standard since the weed invasion left it in an UNUSABLE CONDITION FOR PLAYING SAFELY.

Explore the following link  …

Vernon, British Columbia


Manual Weed Picking

Vineyard Golf Club, The

The maintenance practices used at the Vineyard Golf Club, in Martha’s Vineyard, USA, are seen as a possible template for so-called organic pesticide-free golf course maintenance.  This is RIDICULOUS & WRONG !

Vineyard is somehow seen as some kind of environmental pioneer, with many in the golf industry needlessly attempting to learn its ( failed ) maintenance practices.  This is STUPID & FALSE !

In fact, Vineyard serves as a template for inflicting catastrophic employee abuse by subjecting its labour force into a group of mere cotton-pickers who are forced to remove billions & billions of weed & insect pests MANUALLY !  At Vineyard, there is no longer a need to employ golf course technicians with professional training.  All they need to know how to do is bend over & pull or scoop.  Their work is no better than being cotton-pickers.  Vineyard’s self-imposed prohibition against pest control products is a DISMAL FAILURE !

Vineyard utilizes other outmoded and ancient pest control practices, such as killing weeds with boiling water & removing moss with kitchen dish detergent.  When compared to the use of safe & effective conventional herbicides, NONE of these practices are effective for the control of damaging pests.  Unfortunately, controlling destructive insect pests like white grubs is impossible.

At Vineyard, pest control practices have REGRESSED by 100 years.  Pesticide-free golf course maintenance is really nothing new.  And does not work, unless stunningly huge amounts of funds are wasted on cotton-picking labour.  Vineyard is a huge operational FAILURE !

Listen to the following audio recording  …

Confessions Of Jeff Carlson, Superintendent At Vineyard Golf Club -- Cost & Labour -- Audio Recording -- 03 Minutes 01 Second



The Complete Library Of Reports
On Manual Weed-Picking
In Force Of Nature

Coldstream, BC — Back-Breaking & Agonizing Job Of Weed Pulling Using Hoes

Everett, Washington — Forced To Resort To Weed Pulling By Hand

Highland Park, Illinois — Manual Weed Picking Ineffective

Lawrence, Kansas — Volunteers Assisting With The Park Weeding

Lincoln City, Oregon — On Their Hands & Knees Like Cotton-Pickers

Naperville, Illinois — Dandelion Pull At Knoch Park — BLOG

Ontario — University Of Guelph — Lunatжc Katerina Jordan

Ontario — The Hand That Digs The Dandelion May One Day Rule The Province

Port Alberni, BC — Prohibition Rescinded — Manual Cultivation Failure

Port Alberni, BC — Manual Cultivation Too Labour Intensive

Portland, Oregon — Huge Cost In Paid Labour & Volunteers As Weed–Pickers

Salmon Arm, BC — Too Labour-Intensive & Returns To Pesticide Use — BLOG

Salmon Arm, BC — Weeds Prevailed & Are Wrecking Hard Surfaces — BLOG


The Complete Library
Of References On
Manual Weed-Picking

Ashland, Oregon — Volunteer Co-Ordinator To Organize Work Crews

California — Debate Over Labor-Intensive Hand Weeding In Organic Community

Central Kootenay, BC — Communities Pulling Together Program

Chicago, Illinois — Dandelion Pull At Knoch Park — NORAHG RESPONSE

Coldstream, BC — Back-Breaking & Agonizing Job Of Weed Pulling Using Hoes

Everett, Washington — Pesticide-Free Parks Take Labor … Lots Of It

Everett, Washington — Pesticide-Free Parks Take Labor … Lots Of It — NORAHG RESPONSE

Everett, Washington — Forced To Resort To Weed Pulling By Hand

Guelph, Ontario — Four Hours A Day Carefully Digging Dandelions Out Of Yard

Lawrence, Kansas — People Might Have To Get Used To Pulling Weeds

Lawrence, Kansas — Requirement To Hire Part-Time Labour

Naperville, Illinois — Dandelion Pull At Knoch Park To Reward Volunteers Who Uproot The Most Weeds

Ottawa, Ontario — Pulling Dandelions Is Problematic — Nutri-Lawn

Port Alberni, BC — Manual Cultivation Too Labour Intensive

Portland,Oregon — Huge Cost In Paid Labour & Volunteers As Weed–Pickers

Portland, Oregon — Hand Weeding & Volunteer Labour Is Not Cheap

Richmond, BC — Back Problems From Pulling Weeds — NORAHG RESPONSE

University Of Guelph — Optimization Of Hand Weeding — Lunatжc Katerina Jordan

Highland Park, Illinois -- 18 To 24 Months At 8 Minutes -- Lunatжc Chip Osborne -- Video Recording -- 10 Minutes 31 Seconds

Weed Man -- Video Advertising -- Video Recording -- 00 Minute 15 Seconds

The Vineyard Golf Club ( USA ) -- Jeff Carlson, Superintendent -- Cost & Labour -- Audio Recording -- 03 Minutes 01 Second



Explore even more links  … 





















Older Version Of The Library
Of Reports By Force Of Nature

Everett, Washington — Spraying Resumed

Highland Park, Illinois — Ineffective

Lawrence, Kansas

Lincoln City, Oregon — On Hands & Knees

Portland,Oregon — Flame Throwers

University of Guelph

Vernon, BC — Failure Of Organic





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